
Royal Envoy - Saving the wonderful Land of Countless Islands

'Royal Envoy' is a strategy game where your tasks is to save the wonderful land of countless islands that are being threatened by the merciless forces of nature. Your role on this game is to become the chief city planner where you are going to construct and upgrade homes or buildings for the citizens of the islands. To play this game, you have to follow all the instruction found in-game. Good
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Aliens Defense - Protect your Base Against the Intelligent Form of Monsters

'Aliens Defense' is a strategy game where your mission is to protect your base at all cost against the ruthless attacking hoards of intelligent monsters. Your have to setup your best defenses. Take note that once they are able to open a quick path right into your base, it will be the end of it. Good luck!

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School Age Sea Battle - A Classic Battleships Game on A 10 x 10 Cells Field

'School Age Sea Battle' is a classic battleships strategy game on a 10 x 10 cells field. Your task is to play against another player or the computer with a goal of bombing your opponent's cell. Once you are done with your turn, your opponent will respond with any of these messages which are 'missed', 'hit' or 'sunk'. If you somehow managed to hit your opponent right on the spot, he will
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Ether of Magic Cards - Saving your Homeland from the Artificial Wizards

'Ether of Magic Cards' is a strategy-card game where your mission is to save your homeland against the artificially created evil magicians. You have to completely destroy their leader and creator to restore peace once and for all. This is actually a colorful card game that requires tactical skills for you to succeed. It is complete with 42 magic cards, 6 wonderful backgrounds and 3 classes of
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City Siege 2 Resort Siege - The Baddies are Back and they Taking Over the Beach

'City Siege 2 Resort Siege' is the second installment of the game where the baddies are back once again. This time they are taking over the beach. Thus, there is no time for you to relax. You have to get there to stop them. On this second edition of the game, you will be encountering new baddies and new units. In addition from the previous version, you have to watch out for the new spy unit
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Jail Break - Escaping Out from the Prison Without Being Caught

'Jail Break' is a funny-strategy game where you will take the role of a prisoner from a highly guarded prison cell. On this game, you only have one goal which is to escape. What you have to do is to find a way to escape out of your jail without being caught. To play the game, use your mouse to click on any possible objects around your surroundings which you can use to break out of your jail.
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All My Gods - Proving Trust and Divine Power

'All My Gods' is a strategy game about gods. On this game, gods somehow grow old as well like humans. Saturn was one of the oldest gods of Rome wherein he has grown old enough that a new heir is required to take his place. He actually want his son to be his replacement and the council of the gods had rightfully accepted his will. However, there's is only one condition. Saturn's son had to
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SteamBirds - Top Down Turn Based Aerial Dog Fighting

'SteamBirds' is a high-flying turn-based action game. As the title states, its all about aerial dog fighting. If it happens that a lot of players will like this game then the developer will release the future version where there will be plane upgrades, pilot experience points and it can be played as a multiplayer game. Good luck!

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Archers Duty - Protecting the Last Kingdom from the Aggressors

'Archers Duty' is a strategy game where your mission is to protect the last tower of kingdom against the evil aggressors. On this game you will be fighting against swordsman, spearman, cavalry and other enemies with an unfair fight. Fight them with your last army of archers on the last tower for the final frontier of defense of your kingdom. Good luck!

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Astrobase Defense - Defending the Human Space Station from the Alien Horde

'Astrobase Defense' is a strategy game where the settings takes place in the deep space. The game involves a lot of explosions and features different alien ships. On this game, your task is to defend the human space station against the attacking hordes of alien forces. Good luck!

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Play Astrobase Defense

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Tanks and Towers - Combination of Endless Tank Battles and Tower Defense

'Tanks and Towers' is a strategy game where it is a combination of an endless battle of tanks and tower defenses. On this game, your mission is to withstand the aggressiveness of your enemy forces. You have to protect your MCV at all possible costs. In order for you to succeed on your mission, you have to build a variety of tanks and tower defenses to destroy your enemies. Once you managed to
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Traveller Campaign News and Astro-Hooks

Next on Raving Foxoid Holo-News...
Fierce street fighting has reportedly broken out in the isolated moon-state of the Kral. Dogoidshave appeared to rise up in an urban insurrection, firepower supported by dune-buggied commandos and an unknown starship. Cantonment Navy spokesdroids state that the service is “vaguely concerned” about the development and “will be monitoring any grievous threats to colonial infrastructure”.

In other news on Fredonia, the Polar Autonome Collective has issued a cryptic statement declaring that they will make a “great leap forward” in its “dream-struggle to topple the Planetary Work Machine” and “biopoesis our beautiful proto-planet” in the next 48 hours. Experts are nonplussed.

The Cerny Vlk, the subsector-famous Boloerium (a paraterraformed asteroid-vessel used for intra-system travel) dedicated to preserving pre-uplift wolf stock--and manned by a cooperative of self-styled “lycanthropes”--has gone “dark” according to months-old reports from The Grange. That wild and wooly system of micro-republics hunkered down on trojan-point planetoids has produced a not-too surprisingly conflicting range of hotly-contested salvage claims. Putting hard credits where their vacc-suited comm-boxes are, the system's two fiestiest polities, Cockyagne and Hayduke, are reportedly both offering 500,000 CR bounties to a crack “salvage and rescue team” for in-hand repossession of the outbound ship.

Galacto-Boyar Vdelko XLIV, renowned masochist and survivalist buff, is offering a “substantial fee” for a hardened group of “toughs numbering no more than six” to attempt to “hunt and kill” him in a three-day period on his island preserve on Kanus Major. According to his seneschal a bounty of 100,000 CR will be paid post-mortem from his estate if he is killed before the end of the third day. “I can take all you motherfuckers,” Vdelko added. \

Cantonment political pundits are shaking their nay-heads at the “unnatural vigor” of the newest addition to the Civil Service, the Trust for Planetary Procurement and Progress (or more colloquially “The Trust” or “Three P”). Some Overrada representatives have even begun to criticize “the wild-eyed idealists” of the agency with “wanting to explore and colonize worlds outside the Cantonment.” While Three P administrators have denied the scandalous charge they have issued “open contracts” that state a 120,000 CR finders fee will be issued to any exploro-bolo teams returning with the coordinates of “underpopulated, unmapped Terran-Prime or Terran-Norm systems within 20 parsecs”.  
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DOLI Snowdrops - Growing the Little White Delicate Flowers

'DOLI Snowdrops' is a very simple type of game where your job is to learn how to take care of a plant. You will be planting, fertilizing and doing every possible option to take care of your plant. Your mission is to grow the little white delicate flowers in which you are to make it bouquets. The bouquets will then be given into your DoliDoli friends. Good luck!

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Thats My Dungeon - Protecting your Treasure Chest

'Thats My Dungeon' is an interesting strategy where you take the role of a monsters who is the keeper of a dungeon filled of treasure chests. At some point, there are some adventurers who want to take the treasure away from you. Thus, it is your duty to protect the treasure chest and drive the intruders away. Good luck!

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Project Ideas for 2014

Like many manic gaming hobbyists I seem to flit about with more “projects” hopping like crack-crazed toads around in my head than is right and healthy. Generally as I have learned from too many blogside promises is to silently keep track of these fancies on personal lists, but hey I'm trying to blog more so here's the going to-do list (fill free to embarrass me this time of year with it in 2014).

Finish (in descending order of importance and likelihood):
1. By This Axe's skirmish and campaign supplements. The latter is pretty much done though it could use a few playtests before I feel totally comfortable releasing it. To be released as free PDFs to BTA buyers.

2. Live Weird or Die, the Roustabout's Guide to the Hill Cantons. Basically the HC Mega-Compendium, a collection of all the variant classes, alternative D&D chargen, new critters, spells, items, house rules and the like—and for the first time a targeting round-up of interesting setting whoha (religion, places, NPCs, etc). Right now it's clocking in at 60 pages and needs some elaboration in a few parts and strategic cuts in many. To be released as a cheap (to charity) or free PDF and print-on-demand. (Also available as a work-in-progress draft to anyone interested.)

3. Feudal Anarchy. Though we are on version 0.83 with a respectable chunk of the chapters done-ish we have officially put this bad boy on hiatus until (frankly) the hardcore medievalist rpg urge strikes again. Despite it not getting published anytime soon, I am perversely pleased at what we have hammered out and written up.

Start (same order as above):
1. “Games for GMs”. A collection of solo mini-games and subsystems allowing GMs to have some fun rolling dice while creating things. Think Traveller world creation or How to Host a Dungeon but expanded into different aspects of the fantasy sandbox.

2. By This Bullet. Technically already started and even barebones playtestable (not a word), a system for running small-scale early 20th century battles.

3. Hail Fredonia, a political/military microgame that allows folks to play out the goofy civil war on the Traveller Coupbox moon. Based on La Revolución, a wargame I published in the early 90s that modeled a fictional early 20th century Latin American civil war. Outline and map done.

4. Writing up some of the adventure sites of the Hill and Space Cantons for public consumption. Keep feeling like this would be a good idea—and then not.

1. The Hill Cantons Home Group. We haven't played in an ungodly time and as much as I enjoy the freedom of playing evenings on Google Plus it never quite feels as satisfying as having people around me dining room table. So even if it means playing other things, face to face is a priority.

2. The G+ HC campaign. We came back to playing this Tuesday after the month and change Traveller hiatus (which I also plan to keep playing on alternate

3. Attend North Texas RPG Con. Missed it the last two years thanks to family reunions, but the date is saved this year.

So much gaming to be done, so little time.  
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Mystic Cards II - Manage Your Cards to Beat your Enemy

'Mystic Cards II' is the second installment of this strategy-card game where your mission is to defeat your enemy through managing your cards strategically. There are a total of 198 cards in 83 challenging levels. The trick here is that you have to master your card's skills then learn how to combine them which will result into a stronger type of cards. This game is also available in
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Awesome Ghosts VS Stupid Zombies - Destroying Tombstones

'Awesome Ghosts VS Stupid Zombies' is a strategy game which is a battle between two creatures in the world of the dead. On this game, your primary objective is to destroy your opponent's tombstones. What you have to do is to click to select a unit then deploy it onto your colored territory. When you're done, click-and-drag your mouse to direct your units to move and attack. Good luck!

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Traps and Sorcery - Medieval Bitmap Tower Defense

'Traps and Sorcery' is a medieval bitmap strategy tower defense game. It offers three different kinds of building that you can setup. Apart from the building, you can also control your defenders. And the rest are items which are the crystals and traps. To play the game, please check the help section found in-game. Good luck!

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Zaptonia Defense - Defending Zaptonia At All Possible Cost

'Zaptonia Defense' is a strategy game which takes place on the land called 'Zaptonia'. The place used to be peaceful but not until a horde of creeps suddenly came to invade the land and it is all up to you to stop them. Build tower defenses from the routes of your enemies to obliterate them before they can reach the kingdom. This game will definitely test your strategic skills. Good luck!

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A Large, Exuberant Thank You to Those Who Bought the Axe

This morning I sent out our annual end-of-the-year check to Autism Speaks—with a nice extra tail-end bump of over $500.

As readers might remember (or not) 100 percent of the after-production proceeds of my fantasy battle rules By This Axe were earmarked for donation. Quite honestly, I was expecting to sell on the high-end around 100 copies which would net a little under $200.

To date, however, By This Axe has sold 276 copies: 234 PDF and 42 print copies. Punchline is that means I added a very nice $505.08 from BTA sales to our contribution, way more than I expected. Who knew that the shedding of buckets of blood of lead men could do such good?

Anywho a very sincere and hearty thank you from me to all of you for your support. And a special thanks to Jack Shear who gave BTA a nice big blogside bump early in its arc.

Sales continue to trickle in and I will fold up whatever is coming in around May and send it in as a contribution.
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Battle Gear 2 - Your Goal is to Conquer the World

'Battle Gear 2' is the second installment of the game where your mission is once again to conquer the entire world. On this second edition, new alliances has been introduced. And they are the USA, Europe, China, Russia, Australia, Africa, Middle East and Indonesia. Choose which alliance you want to control to attack various parts of the world. Good luck!

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Keeper of the Grove - Stopping the Greedy Creatures from Robbing the Magic Grove

'Keeper of the Grove' is a strategy game where your mission is to stop the greedy creatures on their attempt of robbing the magic grove. What you have to do is to grow unique nature defenders which protects the crystals from being stolen away. Good luck!

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Play Keeper of the Grove

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Youda Survivor - Survive and Protect the Entire Tribe

'Youda Survivor' is a strategy-adventure type of game where your main objective is to survive and protect the entire tribe. You will actually be fighting against the pirates. Apart from dealing with the ruthless pirates, you will be scorching under the sun as your try to find your way back home. But instead of home, you found yourself on an island where you have to prove yourself as the person
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Fantasy Battles for Kiddos

This week marked my final fantasy worldbuilding/creative writing class for the semester. I was hell bent on ending on a loud note of mayhem and ludic anarchy so after invoking the Battle of Helm's Deep, Pelennor Fields, and whatever in tarnation that battle is called in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in a mercifully brief lecture on the use of “final battles” in fantasy storytelling, we dived right into a big giant battle scene of our own.

Letting them divide up into two camps: Good and Evil (endearingly all the girls chose this team), I pulled out a big box of miniatures and several bags of homemade play doh. Each so-called Good player was allowed to pick out 15 miniatures while Evil got to make various abominations from the play doh and to employ the large plastic dragons we painted last semester.

To handle the rules backend, I whipped up a simplified system of By this Axe, presented here. You will, of course, need a copy to make of By This Axe miniatures rules to make any sense of this. PDF copy here, print copy here (all proceeds go to Autism Speaks).

Tommy's patron deity with an impossible name appears. 
By This Axe for Kids
Units are much looser than in the regular rules. Individuals can move in a group for mutual protection (to prevent flanking for instance) but are not required to stay in any kind of order.

All range and movement is measured with a regulation unsharpened Number 2 pencil.

Fighting Capacity, Armor Value and Hits
Mooks (normal warriors and the like) FC 2, AV 2 and can take one hit.
Tough 'Uns (heroes, big monsters, commanders, knights etc) FC 3, AV 3 and can take two hits. Heroes and heroines (who represent the player) never die they just get knocked out (or fade away).

Duel Phase
Any hero can call out an opposing hero in one pencil range. Duels are as normal in the rules. Note that in actual practice the dice pool seemed to confuse them, you may want to substitute normal melee combat.

Movement Phase
Movement as normal, terrain is just for show however. Movement must stop if it makes contact with an opponent.

Slow Dudes (big monsters, dwarves, giant sloths etc) half pencil.
Regular Dudes (foot soldiers, goblins etc) one pencil.
Fast Dudes (mounted, flying) two pencils.

Ranged Combat Phase
All weapons except for breath weapons (which get two) get one chance to hit. Roll under FC to hit.
Short Ranged Weapons (breath weapons, slings, muskets, javelins). One pencil range.
Long Ranged Weapons (bows, crossbows). Two pencil range.

Melee Phase
As normal, except that players can freely disengage figures from combat to “run away” during their next movement phase.

Divine Intervention
Twice per battle, the player can “call on their patron god” to intervene at any time. If a “6” is rolled on a d6 the god shows up (She/He/It must be represented by a play doh creation) and either grants two extra attacks, two extra saving throws or attacks itself as a FC 5 creature. It disappears to the sidelines after the turn is over.

No morale is used! Battle to the grisly, child-friendly end.
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Turret Bot Defense - Defending your Base from the Waves of Mob

'Turret Bot Defense' is another strategy game where your mission is to defend your base against the incoming waves of destructive mobs. What you have to do is to build plenty of tanks and turrets on the terrain to put them to stop. As a warning, this is completely a very addicting tower defense game. Good luck!

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Dogday and the Traveller Coupbox Endgame

The shit (finally) came down in the Traveller Coupbox last night on Google Plus. "Dogday" commenced at the stroke of midnight of Day 77 with the coded “Supper Time” and “Snasauges” messages of Radio Free Kanine's Three Dog—the signal for insurrection in the Kral's dogoid shanty towns and the invasion by the player-led soldier-bolo (mercenary cooperative).

To War!
The party's renowned extended-scout ship, the Cacafuego, touched down promptly northwest of Kral City behind the towering range of red rock formations (see map below). 

Two sections of four fire-teams each riding improbably (and hilariously) pepto-bismal-pink and purple-speckled civilian mini-buggies split out of the cargo hold to attack the radio and sensor towers on the outskirts.

The west section lead by The General (James's character) took some ineffectual fire from the tower complex but managed to spectacularly take out the main sensor dish with a RAM grenade launcher as they drove up the switched-backed trail.

The east section (led by Robert's character) encountered no resistance at all after driving around the Robodwarf warrens and factory district. The radio equipment was dispatched and that section drove through scattered fire at intersections in the residential and commercial district until ultimately converging on the platform.

Meanwhile back on the lake the second half of the soldier-bolo attempted landfall. The suicide hovercraft piloted by the obnoxious and drawling Private Hent retreated under missile fire. Fortunately the Cacafuego (with Michael's Toad on the pew-pew laser cannons) swung around and started pummeling the missile batteries from the harbor forts. In a likely expensive turn it sustained two direct missile hits: one smashing a hole in the hull, the other taking out the aft cargo bay airlock and the air-raft (sorry Bodhi).

The south battery was destroyed and Michael went on to destroy armored personnel carriers on the bridge into the Domed City (which is blocked with panicked, hunkered down Kral troops). Part of the southwestern barracks complex was destroyed by laser cannon fire and a 50-ton cutter fleeing the dome was shot down into the lake (unknown who was on the ship).

Zak's section made it through the fields by hovercraft though a machine gun volley decimated one team (all dead). They lit up the single guard at the fusion power plant and captured it.
The players map of Kral City. 
The current situation (now on “pause”):
1. Both buggy brigades have converged on the Plaza where a sizable Kral army unit is bottled up.

2. Zak's section holds the fusion power plant and has shut down power through the city.

3. The Cacafuego is still up and hovering on the west side of the city (unless you want to pull it out, though it can't go into orbit at the moment due to those big gaping holes.)

4. Dogoid insurrectionists hold both shanty towns and are battling the Vibes Committee militias. They have about 40 in each slum with firearms (bolt-action rifles, pistols, grenade launchers) and roughly 600 dogoids with makeshift weapons like lead pipes, spears and kitchen knives.

5. Casualties have been pretty light (so far) for the soldier-bolo. Of the 15 fire-teams, 14 are still in fighting shape.

6. The giant alien-hulk turned barge run by the Polar Autonome Collective is still slowly puttering toward the Kral City. It looks to have sped up slightly after the fighting commenced. 

Still in the hands of the Kralian military or militia:
1. Domed City
2. Main Plaza
3. Vibes Committee HQ
4. the two remaining Harbor Missile Forts
5. Monorail Station
6. Main Refinery
7. Most of the human residential and commercial areas.
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Rebuild - The Search for the Remaining Survivors

'Rebuild' is another zombie game where humanity is suffering from an edge apocalypse. There are many zombies that are roaming around the city trying to consume every people wherein they are even attacking their refuge. On this game your mission is to search for the remaining human survivors to be rescued. You will be training soldiers, scavengers, builders and scientists. Utilize them all to
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Space Cantons News and Humor from the Kral

Tonight on Raving Foxoid News...
Kralian dissident and humorist Shmul Klemm has shuffled off his mortal coil. The author of the acclaimed political joke compilation The Loudspeaker Spoke Up and Saidwas found slumped over his holowriter yesterday dead in his Unterzone flat from an apparent self-inflicted icepick wound to the head. In Autokratic Kral, apparently, joke kills you.

In other news on Freedonia, a surprisingly turn in the perpetual stalemate that is that moon's civil war. The city-state of Pikkaro having gone 0-4-1 in recent battles has raised its white flag and been annexed by neighboring Pakha. Local observers say that the fractious nature of the Microbalkanizers League mean that its just a matter of time before Pikkaro reasserts itself as a polity.

FINESSE (the Federation of Industrial Needs Evolving into Economies of Scale Etc.), reputedly an astroturf lobby for Monglocorp, is calling for a “system-wide deregulation of mineral extraction rights of Novo Marlank's neighboring intrasystem bodies” citing inefficiencies in “business unfriendly local polities and other market rigidities.”
In Autokratic Kral, secrets keep you.
In homage to Klemm, some excerpts from The Loudspeaker Spoke Up and Said:
Four dogoids -- Mongloite, Kanusian, Xite, Kralian -- are discussing their lives. The Mongloite dogoid says, "the robo-servants used to leave meat out for me, but now I have to bark for it." The Kanusian dogoid says, "you have robo-servants on Monglo?" The Xite dogoid says, "they feed you meat?" The Kralian dogoid says, "they let you bark?"

Guard asks Kralian political prisoner, "what's your sentence?"
"Ten years," he answers. "But I did nothing."
"Liar," says guard. "For nothing Autokrator only give five years."

Citizen Yvan applied to the Vibes Committee militia. The Kral City chairman conducts interview.
"Comrade Yvan, do you smoke e-cigarettes?"
"Yes, I do a little."
"Do you know that Autokrater does not smoke and advises others not to smoke?"
"If Autokrater said so, I shall cease smoking."
"Do you drink?"
"Yes, a little."
"Autokrater strongly condemns drunkenness."
"Then I shall cease drinking."
"Citizen Yvan, what about women?"
"A little...."
"Do you know that Autokrater strongly condemns amoral behavior?"
"If Autokrater condemned, I shall not love them any longer."
"Citizen Yvan, will you be ready to sacrifice your life for the Kral?"
"Of course. Who needs such life?"
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Crow In Hell 3 - Now with More Enemies and Intense Levels to Clear

'Crow In Hell 3' is the third installment of the game where you will be encountering more enemies and intense levels to be cleared. Apart from dealing with your enemies, you also have to grab objects that will help your character escape the madness. To play the game, use the control keys WASD or Arrow Keys to move around. To grasp an object, press 'Spacebar'. Good luck!

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Turret Tank - Beating All the Seventy Two Challenging Levels

'Turret Tank' is a strategy game where your goal is to beat all of the challenging seventy-two levels of the game. In order for you to be able to beat a certain level, you have to destroy all of your targets with the limited amount of ammo that you have. Take note that when you hit your targets the bullet's direction can be changed. To play the game, use your mouse to shoot and rotate your
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DEMO REEL Luminant Fantasia - Semi Turn Based Battle Game

'DEMO REEL Luminant Fantasia' is actually a game from the old battle engine of the Flash RPG project that has been frozen way back in May 2011. What you have to do on this game is to fight random enemies. The battle is done in semi-real time turn based action. Take note that your turn is being timed which is indicated by the upper right bar. Also, your MP regenerates on every start of your own
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Aliens of the Space Cantons: Dogoids

Deep Evan's quite marvelous series of posts (and formats) for his Boom Worlds Traveller campaign (in which I play the dashing young froguloid pilot, Sir Toad, mmm hmm) have inspired me to take a turn at some of my own for the Cantonment. 
Early uplifts were said to be less successful.
Appearance and Biology
As uplifts Dogoids (also known as “Canus Lupus Sublimis” or inaccurately and derogatively as “Vargrrr”) exhibit the wide speciation of their domesticated ancestors.

Ranging from 1.2-1.5 astroyards in height,they run spacehound slim to bulloid-dog heavy-set in build. Dogoid top paws have been genetically adapted to have opposing thumbs and longer more flexible digits, though wider and more weight-bearing the back paws are closer in appearance to their ancestors. Tails have grown shorter over the centuries and indeed some of the modern breeds have only the smallest of stubs. Coats range naturally in traditional colors though many Dogoids in sophisticated urbanite worlds have taken to elaborate primary and pastel color dyes.

Though their origin-story is murky and often confused with the rambling jokes of the elderly, it is said that Dogoids were first uplifted in the biovats of the now-lost world of Laika IV.

Sentience came slowly to the race--though quicker than your bigoted grand-uncle would allow for--and dogoids were held first as “pets” then as working slaves (famously used in exploration missions by the Blackstars). Following Extirpation Dogoids worked their way through various forms of semi-bondage from timesharing to multi-level marketing until finally arriving at their currently elevated status as second-class citizens. Casting one-seventh of a vote in the Cantonment-wide Overrada elections, Dogoids are surely appreciative of their new-found freedoms from their beneficent former masters.

Dogoid consciousness is dominated (no pun intended) by deep internal conflicts. The many thousands of years of intertwined human-canine evolutionary history has left a complicated dance of emotions for Dogoids in their interactions with hairless apes. Indeed it said that even the most diehard of Dogoid nationalists feels a great sense of ennui and existential angst when separated too long from the presence of humans--and that even the most subservient of “Uncle Spots” feels a certain nagging resentment when the choice dinner portions lie on the human table.

Amongst themselves the hunt for dominance and status is an eternal mixture of esteem and anxiety. When first being integrated into a “pack” (an amorphous name extending to any kind of Dogoid-majority institution from academic departments to revolutionary groups), a Dogoid will invariably ceremonially duel those it considers its immediate superior or inferior, Dogoids of equal or close rank within 1-3 Pack Status (see below). The victor of such fights will gain +1 to their PS if they vanquish an opponent of a higher rank or PS two over their current. Following such a display pack members will mostly get along without complaint.

Dogoids prefer as a matter of course the vainglorious status seeking of Representative Democracy.

Dogoids as Player Characters
-1 STR, +1 DEX, 1d6 SOC, 2d6 for a new stat called “Pack Status” used only among other Dogoids. Dogoids may serve in any branch but that of the blue-blooded Navy, they get a +1 bonus in attempts to join the Scouts due to their long relationship with that branch.

In loving memory of Nazrut who died much as he lived in murderhobo glory. May Roofdrak keep him in his furry embrace.
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Star Baron Skirmish - Fast Paced Strategy Game Set in Space

'Star Baron Skirmish' is a challenging-strategy game set in space where you take the role of the blue empire. On this game, you have to select stars with your mouse then select an enemy stars that you want your ships to attack. You have to know that the more stars that you own means that the more ships you can produce. The colored buttons from the top-right corner will specialize your selected
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Conquest Tower Defense - Ancient Legends About Women

'Conquest Tower Defense' is a strategy game based from the ancient legends about the Amazons. They were soldiers that has been described on my chronicles. However, there was one legend about the tribe of the Amazon that has been mysteriously lost that no one knows about it until today. This is the story about the leader of the Amazons who came to protect their people and land when the son of
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Hill Cantons Bestiary: Fobbits

No. Enc.: 1d8 (5d8)
Alignment: Neutral or Lawful (Evil)
Movement: 60’ (20’)
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 1 -1
Attacks: 1 (weapon)
Damage: weapon
Save: D1
Morale: 5
Hoard Class: XX
XP: 10
It is well established throughout the Cantons that the hallmark of a successful borderlands home is the placation of its hirsute house spirits, the Domovoy. But just as the tidy familiar houses of humans have their cozy domestic fae denizens, the warped dream-logic of the Weird dictates that many of the terrible murderholes of that dread zone must also have a counterpart. One of the most common of which is the danger-adverse Fobbit.

While careful to avoid bunking in easily-accessible rooms in underground environs, Fobbit teams of 1d8 may be glimpsed in corridors hastily resetting traps, carefully repainting blood smears, rejamming dungeon door hinges and other assorted work.

An actual Fobbit lair will be a heavily-barred and trapped locale usually located off a back corridor, though the rich cook smells of gourmet hot grub may be smelled as far as 10-80 feet away. A Fobbit lair will host 1d4 Remfs (2 HD Fobbit commanders), copious barricades of paperwork and a surprisingly luxurious smattering of consumer goods.

There is a 1% chance that Glamdalf, a truly-fabulous, comfort-loving wizard and inventor of the self-reading scroll, will be found in any given Fobbit lair.
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Monster Castle Defense - Protecting your Queen from the Evil Human Army

'Monster Castle Defense' is a strategy game where your mission is to protect your queen against the evil human army that wants to destroy her. On this game, you have the capability to summon monster to fight your enemies. Apart from summoning monsters, you can also upgrade them and evolve to produce a more powerful army. Good luck!

function changeText(){
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Hex Wars - Fight for Resources and Conquer your Opponents

'Hex Wars' is a multiplayer strategy game that supports 2 to 4 players. On this game, you will be building an army that will aid you to fight against your enemy. You will actually be fighting for resources as its what basically needed for production. To play the game, simply follow the tutorials given in the game. Good luck!

function changeText(){
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Exterminator - Unique Tower Defense Game with 15 Challenging Levels

'Exterminator' is a Tower Defense game which offers you total of 15 challenging levels to play and enjoy. Completing levels and achievements will earn you tokens in which you can use to unlock bigger and a lot much better type of weapons to use against your enemies. Take note that each piece of the pyramid is a level. By the time that you have completed the lower levels, you will proceed into
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Boat Invasion - Destroying All Enemy Boats and Ships

'Boat Invasion' is a strategy-shooting game where your mission is to build tower defenses to fight against your enemies. You will be destroying your enemy's boat and ship before they can even reach the town gates. Take note that if they are able to reach their target, you will lose some lives. If it happens repeatedly then you will lose the game. Good luck!

function changeText(){
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Villainous Tower Attack - Be Evil By Taking Over the World

'Villainous Tower Attack' is a unique Tower Defense game where you take the role of an evil being with a goal of taking over the world. Instead of building your own towers to defend against an attacking horde of monsters, you do have the evil power to summon an army from the ground to dominate the lands. On this game, you will be able to unlock new units and cast powerful spells. To win, you
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The Geom Tower Defense - Destroying Objects with Similar Shapes

'The Geom Tower Defense' is a very simply TD type of game wherein your objective is to destroy object with similar shapes. What you have to do is to setup your weapons to target similar shapes. Clicking on the left button of your mouse will present you a set of different controls that you can choose from. And finally, shortcut keys are provided on each weapon. Good luck!

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Plague of Altera - Defend your Castle while Destroy your Enemy's Castle

'Plague of Altera' is an action-strategy game where you mission is to defend your castle against your enemy while at the same time attempting to destroy your enemy's castle. To play this game, you have to know that all controls are clickable on the interface. And most importantly, make sure that you are going to upgrade your castle for better performance. Good luck!

function changeText()
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Artillery Defense - Survive by Building the Most Efficient Line of Defense

'Artillery Defense' is a strategy game where your task is to survive for as long as possible against your attacking group of enemies. What you have to do is to build the most efficient line of defense against them. Apart from just trying to defend yourself, you can fight back to eliminate them. There are several game modes available on this game on which you can choose from.

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Diner Chef - Time to Make All People Know that You Are the Great Chef

'Diner chef' is a cooking-strategy game where your job is to offer the best food that you can cook to a lot of people and let them know that you are the greatest chef of all time. Take note that different people will order differently wherein you have to satisfy them with your cuisine. When you are getting a lot of positive attention to you customers then your diner will get popular. Have fun!
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Conquer the Castle - Eliminating your Enemy Castle

'Conquer the Castle' is a strategy game which can be played by two players. The first player will be taking the side on the left while the second player takes the side on the right. Your objective on this game is to eliminate your enemy castle. Take note that you can beat your enemy by destroying their castle completely even if they still have soldiers and other buildings around.

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The Worlds of the Cantonment, Part 1

Veles Subsector (Rimward subzone only)
0109 Nova Marlankh B5658A8-B G
Terraformed world ruled by the loving yet firm hand of the Indomitable Overlord. Freedonia D333575-8, the current arena for the Coupbox, orbits the innermost gas giant in this system.

0208 Kugelworld C546525-9 Non-Industrial G
Little peaceful backwater planet founded by pioneers-bolos during the Autonome Upheaval. Part of Bolospace, the semi-autonomous region of three worlds still run by traditionalist bolos.

0207 Unarres C3326622-9 Poor G
Arid little world that served as the birthplace of the Autonome movement. Known for its interminable consensus meetings and interpretative dance routines. Seat of the Bolospace Council.

0310 Vesworld C450213-4 Non-Industrial G
Desert world wholly owned by the Vesworld Corp, an entertainment conglom that has recreated an “Old West sim” planet complete with life sentence prisoner-actors.

0207 Kanus Major D553663-7 Poor
Dogoid reservation world, run with enlightened vigor by the Department of Vargr Affairs.

0304 Xhom C10036A-B
Tiny, barren microworld housing the original Robodwarf mothership—and a place of exile for the most recalcitrant and disobedient of that strange replicant race. Urban legend says that deep under its crust lies a covert massive poison-gas manufacturing facility. Bullshit or not, a full-strength battalion of Astro-Marines keeps an uneasy eye on the planet.

0304 Planet X D479736-7 G
A near water-world, what population isn't clustered on the small equatorial island chain lives on the backs of great chained sea-turtles. Ruled by the Golden Kandive and his ministrial cronies.

0305 MONGLO A88598B G
Capital of the Cantonment where the Overrada (the nominal-ruling confederal parliament) and Civil Services are headquartered.

0307 The Vermillion Zone XA87???-? RG

Entry is strictly verboten.

Inner Weirdspace
Inner Weirdspace Subsector
0801 Outpost Nine C446353-9 S  Non-Industrial
Windswept, hard-times homebase of exploro-bolos. The Cantonment's foothold in the subsector with a newly established base of the Blackstars. 

0501 Unnamed E577668-3 Non-Industrial, Agricultural G.
A mesa and crater filled world where the low-lying areas unbreathable by humans at sea-level due to the presence of great coulds of organic red buds. Human civilization clings to the tops of mesa-lands and seems to be held captive by a xenophobic alien race inhabiting bases on the black ice southern polar region and the planet's moon. Massive abandoned space hulks hang mysteriously in orbit. 

0302 World-Steppe X686541-2 Non-Industrial G
A fair, pleasant world dominated by a large supercontient and vast grassland-like interior. Predominant culture seems to be a relatively-low tech group of nomadic tribes that travel the steppes in giant sailed-wagons. The native handcrafted goods are quite beautiful and recent contact with an unscrupulous exploro-bolo has begun a craft-for-autorifle trade exchange that undoubtly will have little effect on the cultural/political life on planet. 
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Royal Envoy 2 - Travel to the Faraway Land of Middleshire

'Royal Envoy 2' is the second installment of the game where this time you are going to team up with Cedric once again. You will be traveling to the faraway land of Middleshire which has been devastated due to the negligence of its rulers. What you have to do in this exciting game is to build a veritable paradise. You will win awesome prizes with your speed and quick wit. Have fun!

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Space Cantons Library Data: The Service and Civil Society

The Cantonment Army
Since the Great Mutiny of the Upheaval, the Army stubbornly remains one of the most socially egalitarian of the interstellar bodies. At the start of each four-year term (staggered in four annual cohorts) raucous barrack-caucuses politick and polemicize around officer and NCO elections. Even with the furious electioneering—and the one-year universal conscription of middle school students (the source of our widespread 0-level familiarity with Gun Combat and Vacc Suits, I remind you traveller) that reduces even the crustiest of Army DIs to tears of frustration—morale, discipline and espirit d'corps is consistently high all the same--perhaps due to the deeply-engrained regimental tradition that honors those bodies as much as ancestral personages.

The Cantonment Navy
While the Army is in the hands of the egals, the Navy remains solidly ancien regime. The sons and daughters of the old titled aristocracy graduate from lazy teen days of running space yachts to that of running 20,000-ton space-dromons with all the ease of blue blood. Though by law rankers are allowed to take commissions, they find it difficult to climb without the right string of titles. Which is, of course, the proper way of things, what, what.

The Scout Service
Formerly known as the Department of Anomalous Removal, or more colloquially the Blackstars, the branch has been charged for centuries with the mission of exploring the many ACOs (artifacts, planetoids, alien ships, etc) that floated through the barrier of the pocket universe—and promptly blowing them with up. Since the Cantonment's popping back into the known galaxy a scant decade ago, the service has slowly broadened its mission (mostly) embracing the idea that other worlds are actually worth visiting.