
Letting Go By Karen Hood-caddy

The Cost of Holding On:

Tightly clench your hand. After a few seconds, you'll notice how tiring it is to do this.

Holding on takes energy. It doesn't really matter what we're holding on to, a relationship, job, or material possession? it all takes energy.

And as the clenched hand exercise illustrates so well, you can't reach out or grasp anything new when your hands are clenched to hold on!

Why We Don't Let Go:

There are many, many reasons why we don't let go. Sometimes it means facing our grief or other challenging emotions. For example, we might not want to let go of a relationship because then we'd have to face our fear of being lonely. Or we might not want to let go of a job because we'd feel worried about money.

It's really helpful to identify these emotions. Here's a sentence completion exercise that will help you identify what emotion is holding you back. Finish this sentence with the first thing that comes to mind.

"If I let go of (fill in your situation) I'd have to face my _________________.

Once you've identified the emotion that's holding things up, practice letting that emotion go all by itself. Just for now. Using the above illustration, the person who's worried about facing their loneliness could practice saying, "I let go of my worry about feeling lonely. For now."

I use the phrase 'for now' because we can only work with ourselves in the present tense.

It helps to remind yourself that all things change. All things. Winter isn't a failure because spring is here. Change is the natural rhythm of things. In my experience, more damage is done by holding on to things too long than is done by letting go of something too early.

A Behaviour Modification Technique:

Here is a technique you will find helpful. Write a phrase or few sentences about something you'd like to let go of. Eg: "This situation at work" or "My feelings about D." Now, scrunch up that paper and burn it or throw it away or rip it into pieces. There's something powerful about putting things into a physical form like this that makes it feel more real.

Letting Go in Stages:

Another thing that will help you let go is to do it in stages. Start with a little, then work up to something larger. Like any muscle, letting go is a skill that gets easier with practice. I find this particularly helpful with thoughts and emotions that I need to release. I'll just ask myself to let go for an hour. Or an afternoon. Or a day..... Baby steps. Do you know if you change the direction of an airplane by just one degree, it will arrive in a whole different country? Small works.

Reframe the Thought:

Lastly, reframe the idea of letting go and think of it instead as moving things along. Moving things along is being in the natural flow of life and it involves releasing so the new can come in. We release the old air in our lungs so the new air can come in. We release what?s in our intestinal track so we can bring more food into our bodies. Focus on what?s coming to you rather than on what you?re releasing and you?ll find it much easier to do.

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Do You Need Approval? By Ruti Yudovich

"No matter who you are or what you did; there will always be somebody who will not approve of you. So don?t try to live your life trying to please everybody."

As babies we want to get attention, so we smile or laugh and make others laugh back at us. When they don?t give us attention we cry and then for sure we get it.

As we grow older we get a bit more sophisticated?? if we don?t get love, attention, approval or acknowledgement, we break things in the house, or we "accidently" spill milk on the floor, or we forget to take the dog for a walk and voila ? the stink and the mess on the carpet gets us a LOT of attention.

Then we do things and we want people to agree with us??to tell us it was accepted, beautiful, that it was OK, and that we are wonderful. There?s nothing wrong with liking to hear compliments or a good word of support. These are all wonderful. But NEEDING praises is a different matter. Looking for approval; needing it to move on? Where does it get us? Whose life are we eventually living? Ours or those whose approval we need?

Therefore to live your life, to be who you are and who you want to be??the only approval you need is from yourself.

Be true to yourself. Don?t wait for others to give you the OK to live or how to live.
You are here! You have already gotten a driver?s license. Don?t wait for others to drive you around; you don?t know where they?ll take you and where you?ll end up.

You be the driver of your own car. Set goals, set targets, get in your car and drive on.
Go to places you want to see, drive fast or slow; don?t stop to ask people whether your driving is acceptable or if your choices are approved. Follow your own heart, follow your passion and those who don?t approve will be just another traffic light on your way to your destination.

Remember! The most successful people in the history never asked permission to follow their quest, never listened to those who disagreed with their path. They kept on going, stepping on a few stones here and there but never lost track of their path and destination.

"So don?t try to live your life trying to please everybody." (excerpt from I Hate to Say Goodbye.)

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5 Actions That Result in Success By Mason Gruenberg

Perhaps you have thought of how much believing in yourself makes a difference in your quality of life? A strong belief in yourself can bring you all these benefits plus much more:

* You recognize your capacity to achieve goals.
* You are optimistic concerning the future as you set objectives and accomplish them.
* Deep down inside, you know you are able to do anything.
* You treat yourself kindly.
* You are feeling uplifted and more satisfied with life.
* You're motivated to get things done.
* You have got faith, no matter what.
* You see and revel in the abundance around you.
* Others feel drawn to you.

Wouldn't you like to enjoy these qualities of confidence and well-being every day? The good news is you can! You'll find actions you can take to build up your belief in yourself.

Whether you feel lacking with this area or just want to strengthen your belief for the extra benefits, try these thoughts to further develop your belief:

1. Think about in your own abilities to get something finished. Be your own best cheerleader and encourage yourself to get your tasks completed. Figure out how to divide huge tasks down into attainable parts . After that, even when times are tough and your courage is low, you will know that can be done it.

2. Make dreams. Whether it is getting the career you desire, obtaining additional training, meeting someone you admire, traveling to a distant place, or setting a goal to save a million dollars, connect with your dreams.

* Where you come from, the money you are making, and the folks you hang out with are insignificant to the dreams you create. Dreams are often focused on what you would like for yourself in the future. When you believe on your dreams, you may also believe in you!

3. Establish goals and go for the gold. Believing in yourself means you're motivated for getting things done. Get into the custom of setting targets (both short-term and long-term). After that, you can take active steps to accomplish them.

4. Treat yourself well. Treating yourself with a nurturing character and the knowledge that you're a deserving human being is a crucial aspect of developing belief in yourself.

* Pamper yourself whenever you want it. Recognize that others ought to treat you with respect and love.

5. Ensure motivation is high. Remember the childhood legend concerning the little engine that could? When you want to achieve your responsibilities with distinction and achieve your goals, it's an unbelievable witness to your degree of motivation. Build momentum to fuel your motivation.

6. Over the tough times, keep the faith. Nobody is immune from experiencing rocky chapters in his life. But when you believe in yourself, you can meet those challenging phases with a positive, solid fortitude. You will push ahead, go through the trying moments and know you'll come out on the other side smarter, stronger and surer of yourself.

7. Recognize the bounty you possess. No matter what period of life you're living, look for the good all around you. Get the most you can from every moment.

* Is the chair you are sitting on comfortable? Do you think you're secure and warm now?
* Whatever you love in your life, be grateful. Hold gratitude.

Believing in yourself is probably the most powerful choices you can make. Practice these techniques and you will discover the sheer delight and luxury of knowing you can do whatever it is you select when you believe in yourself.

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The Stress Cure - Is Stress Zapping Your Memory? By Linda Hampton

What is it about stress that causes us to dwell at length on negative thoughts? The answer has a lot to do with our memory. Although it's miraculous the brain - a three pound lump of neural tissue can store any memories at all. But the human memory system has some surprising quirks. Most notable, we forget things. The forgotten information is still in our brains somewhere; it's just that it's difficult for the brain to put its (metaphorical) hands on any one specific memory when it's needed. There is so much other competing information there.

To solve this problem the brain often has to rely on memory cues or bits of information related to the thing we're trying to recall "to jog" our memory. Pretty much anything can serve as a cue, as long as it's associated somehow with the information we're looking for.

As it turns out, the brain uses our mood state as it's single most important memory cue. Believe it or not the brain tags every one of our memories according to the emotional state we're in when the event occurs. And whenever we're in the same mood this serves as a powerful retrieval cue.

When you're sad, for example that despondent mood triggers all sorts of memories from other moments when you were sad or in low spirits. When you experienced a sense of failure, during times of loneliness and rejection all show up and it becomes difficult to remember any specific times in the past when things were going well. If you are in a relationship that break up all you can think about are all the other break-ups in the past you can't remember the good times that you had with anyone. It becomes a downward spiral of reminiscing.

When you are overwhelmed with stress, you might identify with a decline in your emotional health. Besides being quick tempered and easily agitated your memory may also be affected. Stress is frequently the result of a chaotic schedule, and with too much to do, when stressed it's not unusual to forget things.

If you are feeling stressed out and "scatterbrained" you need to spend time improving your concentration to relieve overload and overwhelm during times of extreme chaos and tension. When your attentiveness decreases, it's up to you to regain control.

There are a few ways to increase your mind's ability to perform during duress. My first choice is to exercise. Exercise helps your brain generate new cells that are linked with the enhancement of memory. Physical exercise increases oxygen to the brain and increases neural firing.

If you feel isolated because you work long hours, or home taking care of your family or you don't drive or for whatever reason - find new friendships. Make sure you socialize with the friends and family you have. Invite a friend to dinner or out to lunch. If it's someone you work with don't talk about work. And if you can't get out to meet your friends or meet new people develop new friendship with people you meet on-line. There is a whole world out there and a lot of people are lonely and would love to find a new friend. This give the brain a new workout as you adjust to a different conversations in a new environment all while activating or re-activating different senses.

If you have a long drive, consider listening to an audio book. You'll be surprise how delightful you drive becomes and the traffic becomes much less stressful allowing you to arrive at your destination in a much more relaxed state. You can also break-up the routine of the drive by trying a new route once in a while. If you normally drive on the highway find a route that allows you to drive on a country road.

Stress doesn't have to cause your memory to decline that is if you don't allow it to. As long as you give your mind a workout by creating new neural pathway the same way you would build new muscles when you work out your body, you'll have a healthy memory that allows you to remember the important things during times of stress and anxiety.

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Pursue Your Purpose - Supercharge Your Life By John White, Jr.

Do you ever feel that, as a Christian, you?ve lost that desire to pursue your purpose? You see people living out there dreams and knowing their purpose in life, but you can?t quite get there yourself. When you pursue your purpose, an inward change must take place if you want to supercharge your life!

As a Christian, realize that you were engrafted in Christ and became a new creation altogether. Your old moral and spiritual condition has ceased to live. You have been given a fresh and new moral and spiritual life. Therefore, it is imperative that you invest time studying the Bible for yourself with the intent to change and pursue your purpose as a new creature in the Kingdom of God. This is how you experience the reality of God and supercharge your life. By doing so, your life will become 3 things:

1. An Attractive Life to Others. When people see your uncompromising commitment to keep God's Word in your heart and to live a lifelong devotion to His service, it will definitely attract their attention because they'll see a difference in you. They will see you changing into the character of Christ before their eyes. It is the change within you that will make them want to be around you.

2. An Interactive Experience with God. When God's character is displayed through your life, you become a reflection of praise to Him. By allowing the Holy Spirit to communicate God through you to those whose lives you touch, the Word of God in you becomes the revelation of God in Christ revealed to them. As a result, your life becomes a confession of Christ to the world. In this way, when they interact with you, they experience God through your life.

3. An Empowerment of Blessings. When you give to others Who God is within you, God, in His providence will repay it back to you. Give God the glory in your gifts and talents as you pursue your purpose, vision and dreams for He is not unrighteous to forget it, but will pay it again. God often makes use of men and women as instruments of His rewarding justice. If you, in a right manner, give to others when they are in need, God will incline the hearts of others to help pursue your purpose, dreams and vision when you need them.

If you really want to experience a supercharged life, you must not fall in with or adapt to the external, superficial customs and fleeting fashions of this world, which is your old nature. Instead, apply God's Word in your life and undergo a deep inner change by the entire renewing of your mind as the Spirit of God alone can work in you. His desire is to shape and fashion your life into His image so that you can pursue your purpose, dreams and vision He placed within you. This is how God wants to supercharge your life.

To effectively pursue your purpose, you must have a total commitment to God and His Word. When you allow God to reign, rule and live in your life through Jesus Christ, allowing the Holy Spirit mold you into the character of Christ, you are then empowered to live the supercharged life He predestined for you to live.

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Have Spare Time? Try Playing Online Games

Do you like arcade and online games just like me? Well, there are thousands of websites where you can play them, and today I'm going to show you the one, where I like to play.

The website I'm talking about is Of course, popular games like Angry Birds can be played, which everyone of you should know from your smart phone. If you're one of the people who don't have and iPhone or similar, this is your chance to play. There are also so many other good games to play, the variety is what makes fun. Racing, shooting, strategy, what is your favorite genre? Mine are racing games, and that's why I've already played a lot Desert Drift. Your bike needs to climb that hill and of course you have to drive it there while avoiding to flip it all over.

Mean aliens try to destroy your base in Gear of Defense 2
For example Gear of Defense 2 is a game where you have to shoot aliens who are trying to kill you by running towards your base. The game feature three difficulties and several weapons to unlock while reaching higher levels.

If you're a classic shooter fan, try Turret Head. You just have to shoot everything that moves - simple as that. But the enemy is quick, so be quick, too. In my opinion there are better games to play, such  as the mentioned Gear of Defense. Try what you like by just browsing through the list and choose what looks nice or you already know.
I like trying out new games every day, and fortunately I can still explore a lot. Taking a break from work and play some games, this never gets boring.

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A Moment of Gratitude.. By Rachel Matrejek

A Moment of Gratitude?.

During this busy time of year, it?s easy to get caught up in the hustle bustle of meal planning, gift buying, and travel plans. ?Black Friday? sales begin earlier than ever before, and aggressive consumerism always makes headline news. Amongst the stress of holiday planning, many of us forget that the true meaning of Thanksgiving is gratitude. The pilgrims and Indians came together to celebrate and be thankful for the rich and abundant gifts from the earth. They celebrated friendship, camaraderie, and potential. The very first Thanksgiving feast was one of gratefulness.

Gratitude is an idea that I present to my clients and yoga students often. Gratitude creates space for abundance, and when we let go of the ?I wants? we suddenly realize how much we already have. Cultivating a deep sense of gratitude takes practice. Just as we practice yoga postures, we must also make time to practice the feeling of gratitude, tending to it like a gardener tends the soil. Just as a flower wilts without water, gratitude wanes without appropriate time and attention.

During this holiday season, I challenge you to cultivate your own garden of gratitude. Begin a gratitude journal, writing down 2-3 things that you are grateful for each day. Use this simple meditation each morning or evening:

Sitting up tall in a quiet space, place both hands, one on top of the other over your heart center. Take a few deep, slow breaths and begin to think about a thing or a person that you are grateful for. As you continue to breath into the thought, begin to feel gentle warmth emanating from your heart. Let this feeling expand throughout every cell. Spend at least 3 minutes, present in this sensation of gratitude in the heart center. Anytime that you feel the mind begin to wander to another thought, simply bring the mind back to the breath, and back to the warm feeling of gratitude.

Finally, my own moment of gratitude:
Today, I am grateful for all of my clients and yoga students. You have all taught me so much about myself over this past year. Each new day, I am challenged to move beyond my comfort zone, and have grown exponentially as a clinician, a teacher, and a person- more than I ever thought possible. A sincere Thank You to each of you.

Rachel Matrejek works at The Lighthouse Emotional Wellness Center, she is a licensed counselor and a certified yoga instructor. Located in Arlington Heights, The Lighthouse Emotional Wellness Center, provides the guiding light of emotional wellness for couples and families,and provides services such as: couples and family counseling, individual counseling, psychiatry and personal development workshops. For more information about their services, visit

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Boomer Success Strategy - Positive Mental Attitude By Linda Hampton

What do you spend most of your time thinking about? I bet you don't even know, or maybe you've never given it much thought. Big Mistake. You have about 60,000 thought per day and 95% of your thoughts are repeated, and what's worse is 4 out of 5 of those thoughts are negative.

Your thoughts are influenced by peers, world views, culture, the media religion and social expectation. They determine 95% of the emotions you experience every day. Most of our thoughts are automatic and habitual and control your pain, pleasure belief and values.

Just as gravity makes no distinction or judgments as to WHO it works for, Universal Laws operate with the same precise and absolute fashion. What you think about influences the actions you do and what you become. Your thinking creates a dominate thought and pattern. What you think about, emotionalize and visualize continuously grows in your reality.

So now that you know how your thoughts create your reality lets take a look at how you can transform your negative thoughts and attitude. So the good news is most of your negative attitude stems from the 95% of repeated negative thoughts. The bad news is that you've had these thoughts so often and for so long you actually believe they're real, not just on the mindset level but on a cellular level.

1. Associate with inspiring people. We all have friends and family we love and care about that after a couple of hours in their company you feel upset and unhappy. Although I would be the last person to say stay away from them you can hang out with them in smaller doses. Instead of spend a day or in some cases a few hours with them make it a quick lunch instead. If you don't know or can't hang out with inspiring people then read inspiring stories and biographies.

2. Focus on what you have and not on what you don't have. Spend more time thinking about what's working in your life and not what's not working and what you have control of and what you can't control.

3. Ask yourself empowering questions. Even in the face of things you may not have chosen you can choose how your react by asking yourself questions that put you in control.

a. What's good about this situation?

b. What can I learn from this and what opportunities are within my grasp because of this?

c. How can I make myself feel great about this? What story can I tell that would put this situation in a positive light.

d. How can I personally grow from this experience? Better yet how can I choose to grow from this experience?

We all have to learn to accept the things we cannot change but we can choose to think differently about a situation. Make the decision to change and affirm it every day by choosing positive thoughts. The process itself is pretty simple but having the constant preserverence to first recognize one of the 4 out of 5 negative thoughts and allowing that thought or the fact that it came into your mind to take control but to place that negative thought into a bubble and allow it to float away is an important part of this process.

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Self-Motivation - It's like brushing your teeth By Calvin Dorman

Do you have the ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations?

How many people, do you think, are self-motivated enough to find a reason and strength to complete a task, even when challenging, without giving up or needing another to encourage them?

Motivational speakers are cashing it in worldwide. But why in the world would a boss need to motivate employees? I know you?ll have a million good reasons as to why it is done, but think about it for a moment.

I can understand that you can increase SKILL level with on-the-job-training, but should one actually be hiring or training someone to be motivated at his or her job?

Here?s my theory on this topic of SELF-MOTIVATION: On the one hand, the person is doing the job basically because there is some aspect to the job that is fulfilling and that he/she is passionate or cares about and they can make a living from it. Then, on the other hand, there is the person who cares only for the pay-cheque; they would rather be doing something else, but that "something else" is not bringing in the money like the "pay-cheque job", so they simply do the minimum.

Now, let me come back to my question I put to you in the beginning?
Why in the world would you need to motivate employees?
The answer: because there are too many people who would rather be "doing something else" but they have become "addicted" to the paycheque. (Are you addicted to your pay-cheque?)

Gentle reader, are you self-motivated in your career path? Are you determined to be the best in your field of expertise and are willing to grow and learn, whatever it takes or whatever it might cost you? This question about self-motivation is an important question to ask.
Do not rely on friends, family or your boss to "pump you up" to meet targets or set personal goals. This is your task.

Here is the simple truth: People who have found their passion in life are by nature SELF-motivated. They stay on top of their industries and market trends. They are self-motivated to learn more about their job. In fact, they do not see their "job" as a job, but as a blessing to be able to learn and do more EVEN if they do not get recognition for it. They do not care about getting "appreciated" for their contribution - they are too busy focusing on their growth experience.

There are many tools you can use to help you get self-motivated. Books, seminars, mentors, role models, vision boards, etc, but you have to realize that it has to start from within. Meaning: It is a choice or a decision you make to be motivated each day. It is like brushing your teeth? it is something you have to do each day and not skip.

You CANNOT allow, nor wait for people and circumstances to get you motivated and fired up. Simply, pick up the tools each day yourself and stay motivated. Be aware that a motivated person has the energy levels to far out-perform any colleague or competitor. Motivated people are ACHIEVERS and you won?t find them procrastinating. They set their goals and achieve them with passion.

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Every Human Has A God Given Birthright To Be Happy By Hans Neukomm

To be happy you have to accept that gift of love from God for yourself, as well as protect, maintain or create happiness in others. Mankind often is working hardPunishing others or selfChasten oneselfSacrificing all their well-being and lifeSacrificing all their own happinessFor

Those who selected to be ill, weak, ... - as a result of their very own missing decision to become loving and hence healthy, strong, successful and happy. Happiness is the result of a very clear decision and personal affirmation of each individual. Either you decide clearly and firmly to be happy - to be worth to be happy and you shall be happy - or you fail to decide so and are different from happy - anything else but happy. Your happiness is the result of your own judgment - your own sentence for your own self or as a result for passing a sentence for others. Whatever sentence you may ever have passed to others is what you may live yourself now in the past or in the future. Your present happiness may be the result of wishing ALL others love and happiness - or - your missing happiness in YOUR life may be the result of YOU wishing or punishing others. YOUR life can only be what you have ever wished and supported for ALL others. Many among mankind actively and consciously decided for any given reason to fight, to hate, to kill, to possess, to rule others, to endanger others, ... and they put all their life energy and efforts toward achieving such goal. While it is part of using the God given freedom to do what ever each individual wants to do. As a being of light and love made to the image of God. We all have a moral obligation to be happy ourselves, to put the utmost efforts in creating the greatest possible happiness within ourselves and to realize absolutely ALL efforts to contribute ourselves to our own happiness by dropping any behavior that endangers or limits our happiness.

We all have a Divine birthright to be happy and no single person or being of any kind has a true right to restrict this divine birthright for true and everlasting happiness and freedom.

In many chapters I have written about the importance of helping and loving others. some people however actively reject or hamper any attempts to love them, to make them happy, to help them, to heal them. mankind often takes care of illnesses and problems instead of caring for health and well-being. they repeatedly reject our true lovereject all attempts to make them happyreject all opportunities to become really healthy in an absolute and holistic wayreject all opportunities to realize their Divine potential within - a Divine God given potential to become even in a physical body a divine child of God made to the image of God - a being of light angel like - loving all and accepting love from allIf for any reason you refuse to love ALL around you and all mankind on earth, all beings including nature, animals and beyond, then you fail to be completely open for the flow of love. Hence you fail to open for the love from others as well. Such a person fails to make even a single person really happy. Whatever is between you and any single other being is between you and your most beloved ones, between you and God.

If you want to make a single person happy or as many as possible, then you need to allow others to make you happy in any way they cancontinuously make all others happy in any way they can accept your lovework to refine and cultivate your Love even more to touch more and more beings with your love - and - be touched by the Love from more and more beings loving youIf someone rejects your love, then your love may be to much filled with egoistic personal vibration of wanting that personwanting to possesswanting to controlusing or abusing that person for personal satisfaction and fulfillment of personal / egoistic needsattachmentfear to loosefear in generalaggression toward anyone or particular persons or beingsspiritual immaturity and weakness due to failure to spiritually work within yourself and spiritually progress and succeedRemember the physiology of happiness. to be truly happy you need to make others happy and allow others to make you happy. both at the same time. To be truly happy - you need to affirm from the very innermost depth of your heart and soul all of the following affirmations all mankind, all beings of any kind, all creatures ever made by God have the right to be absolutely free, to be loved and to be absolutely happy - every second of their being - from eternity to eternityall divine creation has the right to be loved by me now and for everI have the divine right to be happy all the time - eternallyI have the right to receive the very most Divine Love ever existing - any time - eternallyCan you really and sincerely affirm loud and clear and repeatedly - even to any one else - these above 4 points? If yes then do it - again and again - for the remainder of this present incarnation and beyond.

Choose a surrounding that allows you to love all as much as you can and choose an environment that wants to love YOU and make YOU happy as much as you can be happy. You deserve to be made happy - because you are a Divine child of God - made of Love - made to Love - eternally.

God is an infinite and eternal source of most Divine love, grace and mercy So should you become a source of infinite and eternal love, grace and mercy toward ALL. All others as well as your self.

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What to do About Stress? By Charlene Lacandazo

Everyone will experience stress in different aspects of their lives; it may be at work, with their family, in their love life or with their health. However, whatever might be the cause of your stressful day, it creates the same effect on your body, mood, and even on other people.

Life is full of hassles, frustrations, demands, and if people don?t meet expectations or deadlines, the tendency is that our mind will be exposed to chaotic thinking and tiredness. This is how stress come out that can generally invade and ruin the enjoyment of your life.

For many people, stress is a normal part of life that usually appears in everyday situations. Stress isn?t always bad; however, dealing with stress is usually not good. Mild stress can help you deal with pressure and motivate you to do your best and finish your work before the deadline.

Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened, upset, and anxious. It may seem that there?s nothing you can do about stress. However, difficulties in dealing with this emotion may result in risk and danger to your health, physically and mentally.

Anyone experiencing stressful situation may be at risk of losing control of their emotions, which sometimes could ruin your ability to make decisions rationally. How to know if the anxiety is too much in dealing with your stress? How important is it to gain a deeper understanding about stress and what are the necessary things to do when dealing with such emotion?

Feelings such as worry and anxiety are just some of the common results of stress. Being stressed is sometimes healthy in order for a person to be alert and act. However, there are certain points in human life, where people cannot manage dealing with their stress.

Stress management effectively starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. At first, it may not be easy as you may tend to overlook your own stressful feelings and behaviour. However, providing a solution to a problem always starts with identifying the problem or cause.

The best remedy for stress is self-examination and taking significant actions that can definitely help you lessen your worries and fears. Examples include taking a break for a few minutes to practice some deep-breathing exercises, relaxation, and entertaining yourself like going to the spa or going shopping. These are just a few examples that can usually help people ease their stressful day. In addition, if you cannot remove the stress, remove yourself. If you are not getting along with your company, it is important to slip away and find a new sanctuary to work in.

There are several negative effects of stress on your health such as an upset stomach, recurring colds, headaches and insomnia. If you are having difficulty dealing with stress, it would also be best to seek professional help from a doctor or therapist.

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How Stressful Thinking Impacts You By Linda Hampton

Most of us experience tension daily, often it's hour by hour or worse minute to minute. How we cope with stress and worry determines whether we move forward or allow it to hold us back. Habitual negative thinking is often frenzied, inaccurate, and undependable, yet you can go through your entire life with negative thoughts that cause unproductive behavior and a more difficult life. Most people dealing with stress especially chronic stress assume that there's no getting around it, and its just the way life has to be. But this is certainly not the case!

Silencing the habitually negative mind is easier than you imagine and it all starts with a single positive thought.

How Your Negative Mind Effects Your Positive Aspirations

A negative mind not only regulates the way you approach life, it also has a tremendous impact on your physical body, and with your mind body connection working against homeostasis rather then in flow having a negative impact on your health. When you switch off negative thoughts and turn on positive thinking, you have the power to move toward a healthier more productive and creative you. With time and effort, you can transform your thought process, and it's quite simple actually, because it all begins with just a few simple words.

The Power of A Few Words...

When you see a list of affirmations, you see absolutely nothing more than a list of words with optimistic expressions that do not appear to apply to you or embody your current way of thinking. If you take a closer look at each affirmation, you may find that many embrace the way you wished you could feel and think.

When you see words that speak to you and how you'd like to feel, hold onto them. You can use them to get rid of a unwelcome idea you wish to eliminate. Fundamentally, with practice, you will be replacing your negative thinking pattern with a positive thinking. This is exactly what positive affirmations are all about!

But let me caution you here. In order for your affirmations to be effective they have to meet the following criteria:

Affirmations have to be in your own voice. They need to be phrased and spoken the way you speak.

Your affirmations should be phrased and said in the same way that you would say them to a friend. After all, your mind is your friend. In fact, it's one of your best friends.

Words are a powerful way to evoke emotions both positive and negative. Use affirmation that speaks to you on a deep level and keep them in the forefront of your mind by repeating these words often. By doing this you create room for your new thoughts to germinate and grow until these thoughts become a reality. Again the trick is to use words that are meaningful to you and say them in the same way you normally speak.

If at some point, as we all do, you may become overwhelmed with negative thinking, if that happens simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths until your emotions become a little bit more under control. Then use your affirmations to interrupt your thinking pattern.

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How much time do you waste each day doing routine things? By Marc Weiner

So what is time management?

Well, it is basically how you organize your time. It involves planning your day out and allocating certain times of the day and a certain amount of hours or minutes to doing an activity. We all have daily time wasting habits.

Here are examples of actual (and funny) ways that we waste time each and every day - how many apply to you?

1) Toilet Training

That's right! Going to the toilet, is a really huge time waster. Now, obviously you have to go to the toilet! But, most people take much longer than they need to, and do we really need to say it - yes, women are the main culprits unfortunately! The constant hair and make-up checks, primping, preening sessions actually cause you to spend much longer in the bathroom than you need to.

Bathrooms are also great places for daydreaming! Men and women take longer in the bathroom because they often sit (or stand) and day dream, thinking about anything other than work. You might be thinking about what to do for supper, the awesome weekend you have planned, and more.

Here is a quick tip! Allocate no more than 5 minutes to each bathroom break. If you need to go to the bathroom for a longer break, then allocate the shortest amount of time you would normally need, minus all the daydreaming.

2) Coffee, Tea or ....... ?

It is hard to believe, but coffee and tea breaks are time wasting habits. Think about how often you get up and make yourself a cup of coffee or tea during the day. This is far more often than you need to, and aside from wasting time, actually distracts you from your work. Aside from that, you are likely to run into someone and chat for a few minutes here and there. Or, you might be eyeing that yummy piece of cake you were going to keep for later and decide to have a quick snack. Coffee and tea breaks are notorious time wasting activities that usually involve more than just getting your cup of coffee and heading straight back to your desk.

The solution? Limit the number of tea and coffee breaks you take. Aside from improving your work productivity, you will also improve your health, as well all know how bad it is to drink too much coffee. Plus, curbing this time wasting habit will help you with the first one, as you will not require as many bathroom breaks if you drink less. Other than limiting breaks, keep a bottle of water on your desk to sip instead. Much healthier and more productive!

3) Sign ... Sign .... Everywhere A Sign .......

Many people read their horoscope every single day. This wastes valuable time that could be spent doing something more constructive - if it is being done at the wrong time of the day. So, what can you do? Well, for starters you can keep your horoscope reading for your free time. Note: The "secret" here is to do "low energy" type tasks during your "low energy" time of day.

4) I Coulda Been A Sports Star

This one is predominantly for the men! Think about how many times you get into the office and start talking about the game. This can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour depending on the game and which teams everyone supported. Aside from getting quite heated, this obviously wastes so much time. You cannot change the outcome of the game, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions, so what is the use? OK, so it is fun banter, but this can wait until later when you meet for a drink after work.

5) Facebook Is Your Life

This one has made such a huge impact on work place productivity that most offices have prohibited employees from checking their Facebook at work. Why? Well, this social site is simply too addictive with people spending hours checking messages, chatting to friends, liking posts and pictures and checking out pages. So, what to do? Allocate 10 minutes to check your Facebook in the morning before work, perhaps check it once during your lunch break, and check it again in the evening when you get home from work.

So, what is time management? Well, it is how you allocate your time so that you don't waste your day and get as much done as possible. By being able to manage these time wasting habits above, you can really see a huge difference in your work ethic.

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The Heroic Leader - 3 Characteristics To Be the Hero of Your Company By John White, Jr.

If you want to be a heroic leader, you need to have the right characteristics activated within you in order to impact the lives of others. In this article we will explore three characteristics that you need to be the hero of your company. Before you begin building your enterprise, it is vitally important to know and develop these character traits to be the heroic leader the world is waiting to see.

1. The Heroic Leader is Not a Boss! In the beginning stages of starting your business, panic and frustration can kick-in quickly. Especially when every sale means your survival and every customer is a big deal. Then, out of anger, you start cracking the whip and begin threatening your employees in an attempt to get them to realize that if they slack off, the business would go broke and they could be out of work. In his book "EntreLeadership," Dave Ramsey said that, "leading by fear and anger is not leading?it is bad parenting for two-year-olds. And if you lead like this, your company will perform like scared two-year-olds."

Now, if you want employees, then lead by fear and anger. But if you want team members who can lead, then start explaining why you do what you do. This is how you teach your team to think like you. You may have to explain several times, but when they get it, they?ll begin taking ownership for what they do. If they constantly refuse to listen, then it may be time for them to look for work somewhere else.

2. The Heroic Leader is Humble! Don?t be afraid to get your hands dirty. If the truck with your supplies in it needs unloading, help unload. If there?s no paper in the copier, put more paper in. if the bathroom needs cleaning, clean it. Your title doesn?t make you better than the job that needs to get done. No one will love your business more than you. But when your team sees you getting your hands dirty constantly, they will follow your example and take more pride in their work. When you live by being an example, it validates your team?s job and they have more respect for what they?re doing.

3. The Heroic Leader is Focused! You need to focus on success instead of results. Money, big houses, fancy cars, etc., are results. But true success is making a difference in another person?s life. A heroic leader focuses on improving the lives of their customers, as well as their team. When you invest in training your team, it improves customer relationship and can bring repeat business. If you focus on results, you?ll only get results. When you focus on success; improving the lives of others, then the results will come automatically.

If you want to be the hero of your company, invest time into your team. Ask questions to find out from them what could be done better. After sifting through all the suggestions, get the best one and put it into action. Then acknowledge the one who gave the suggestion to the whole team. You may even want to give them a small gift. When you do this, they will feel appreciated and valued. They will do their best work because they know you care. As a result, when your customers interact with your team, they will have a better experience with your company. At this point, you would have become their heroic leader.

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Successful People Are Organized By Jessica Lane

Highly effective and successful people tend to share similar characteristics in common. In fact, entire books have been written on the kinds of practices and habits people can adopt in order to run their lives more efficiently and find more success. These are the kinds of things that some people are born with a gift to do naturally, such as waking up early, never forgetting to write a thank-you note or always remembering an acquaintance or business associate?s name. However, even if you were not blessed with the ability to do these things naturally, there are numerous ways you can integrate the habits of successful people into your own life ? with the hope of turning yourself into a successful person, of course!

Organization is key

People who manage to get a lot of impressive things done tend to be highly organized. This is an essential part of managing and juggling numerous tasks and projects. One saying states, "If you want something done, give it to a busy person," and it couldn?t be more true. Busy people can prioritize a set of tasks and manage their time wisely so that they get everything done. Making lists, delegating tasks, not wasting time and being realistic about what they can complete in a given day is standard operating procedure for these kinds of people, whereas others have to force themselves to do these things.

Building good habits for youngsters

Because organization is such an essential component of success, it?s important to encourage it from a young age if we want the young people of today to be the successful leaders of tomorrow. One of the best ways to do this is to encourage the use of student agendas. This is not necessarily something that students are inclined to do on their own without being prompted. If educators and parents introduce students to the idea of organizing their lives by writing things down and provide them with the tools to do it, they are more likely to carry that practice throughout the rest of their lives. There are a number of good Web resources to turn to, such as Meridian Planners, if you?re looking for the different kinds of formats available. The great thing about encouraging organization at a young age is that the benefits will have a multiplying effect. It won?t just be a student?s schoolwork and grades that improve, but also their prospects for a successful career in whatever field they choose.

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To Become A Very Good Leader You Must Develop Vision By Leanora Kubis

To be a great leader, not only should you be able to have your own vision, but also to get those under you to buy into it. A dream you create in your mind is known as a vision and it's what you aspire after. It's basically your life's pursuit. Your vision is what drives you to ensure your aspirations come true. If you have a vision, you end up with a positive frame of mind, and this is what can motivate those who are working under you.

Most people with prosperous businesses already had a vision before they began. So, just how exactly do you develop a vision for your business? Unless you are considering or thinking about creating a one person business, you will need to be able to motivate many people to help you build your dream. People are told to look for an individual who has built a business that is successful and learn from them. Aspiring business people are also expected to follow the successful people's formula and succeed the way they did, but for most people it doesn't happen. This is because they do not share exactly the same vision. Knowledge isn't the only thing which could make a home based business prosperous.

You could meet your desired goals through planning your vision, if you could dream. Think about what you want your future to become, and establish your vision to bring it to fruition. Are there business ideas you feel are profitable? Do not put money into them until you are sure they fit with your vision. Two individuals might have the same plan, but only one becomes successful, since only one has a vision. When you've got a vision, you are zealous about what you do, and when you have passion, you're more likely to give 100% of yourself to your business.

If you've got a vision to build a home business, it is in your hands to achieve it, so don't let it remain just a dream. You have to set both short-term goals and also long-term goals founded on your vision. Then you should look at your goals and objectives often to determine how you are progressing. It's a wise idea to celebrate the objectives you've managed to accomplish. In case you have goals you haven't achieved yet, keep on motivating yourself to reach them. Do not be disheartened, and if you have to alter any of your goals, don't be afraid to do so.

You must have a positive frame of mind in order to develop a positive vision, so it is vital to work on being positive. If you trust in yourself and stay positive, you can expect to succeed. Your powerful vision will propel you to success. Motivation is vital and you could have it by making use of affirmations and positive thinking.

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Essential Life Skills You Could Master This Summer By Laura Ginn

Summer is only a couple of months away and now seems like the right time for you to chalk out your plans and list out the many things you?d want to strike off your bucket list, for life, starting this summer! Nobody wants to turn into a blob and lie there on the couch all day, watching mindless shows on the television, when in fact you could be mastering a new set of essential skills every single day, all of which will certainly come to your rescue one fine day. If you don?t know where to begin from, here?s a list of essential life skills you could look into:


Baking is an entirely rewarding activity. Once you master the art, or get close to being even sufficiently good at it, you would want to spend days baking and gorging on your own goodies! Everybody loves a person who can bake. Besides that, it will allow you to experiment with a whole set of recipes in the kitchen, be self-sufficient and earn brownie points every time you bake for someone!


This one is for all of you who love being on beaches, but are never quite prepared to head into the water for a good swim. Swimming is a skill one ought to master as it is relaxing, helps burn a lot of calories, increases your appetite and can be of immense help when any kind of tragedy strikes! Breathe easy and don?t let the massive waves dampen your spirits even as you try to learn the basics. Or, you could just dive into a swimming pool to start with.


Nothing makes you feel more independent than being able to drive your own car from place to place and not having to rely on public transport, or worse, on other people. Summers are a good time to enrol yourself for driving lessons after having figured the driving test cost and prepare yourself well, just in case you plan to hit the road any time soon, considering the fact that summers are the best time for road trips!

Go Dancing:

It may not figure on the list of usual set of life skills, but trust us; nothing works better than blowing someone?s mind off with good dancing skills, or at least manageable ones! Join a class, be it for salsa, jive, contemporary, hip-hop or ballroom. Dancing is an excellent way of working out, toning your body and having fun while at it. Before you even realize, you?ll be waltzing your way at dance parties and you will know what an important (social) life skill it is after all.

Go Camping:

Make most of the summers and gather a bunch of friends and head out on a long trail which ends in a night or two of setting camp somewhere. Camping is a quick way of learning more than one survival skill and a fun way of toughening oneself up, making sure that one can survive all vagaries of nature and life, in general!

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Are Your Friends There When You Need Them? By Laura Stamps

This summer I did a lot of soul-searching. I realized I've outgrown some of the people in my close circle of friends. What I mean is their idea of friendship is not the same as mine. I've always known that, and it never bothered me before. But this year it does.

I'm not saying my idea of friendship is the only way or the right way. I'm just saying it's what works best for me. Basically, I like to be treated in the same loving way I treat others. I think we're all like that. The way we treat our friends is the way we like to be treated by our friends. It makes sense.

The older I get the more I realize how important it is that my close friends are my own kind: sweet, affectionate Betas like me. No more Alpha Drama Queens. No more friends that complain, whine, and crank about everything. There was a time when that didn't bother me. I'm so easy-going whatever rocked their boat was cool with me. I just ignored it. But now I can't.

Here's what I mean. If you're one of my close friends you know how I am. I don't say, "I'm here if you need me," and leave it at that. Hey, we're all busy. But true friendship takes more than that, I think. I check up on my friends if I haven't heard from them lately. I tell them how much I love and value them every few weeks. If I see you're having a problem I don't make you come to me and ask for help. I'm there asking how I can help. To me that's true friendship. It's the way I treat my friends, and it's the way I like to be treated.

Think about it. Look at your close circle of friends. Do they nourish you in the way you need when you need them? Do their personalities jibe or clash with yours? Is the stress of that clash worth it? Do they come to you with every problem they have, but can't seem to be there when you need them?

Don't wait until you're in a crisis and need strong friend support. You might not have it. Ask yourself these questions now. I've been too slack on this issue, and I take full responsibility for it. Have you been slack as well? If so, you might need to do some friend eliminating like me.

And that?s what I did this summer. I eliminated all the friends who couldn?t walk their "friend" talk when I needed them. Afterwards I wondered why I waited so long. My life is much calmer now. I had no idea how much drama these relationships had brought into my life. Whew!

You can do this, too. Start by making a list of all your friends (I used the notepad app on my iPhone). Next, take a realistic look at each one. Keep the friends you can count on and delete those you can?t.

Life changes constantly, and so do we. That means this isn?t a permanent list. It?s one you?ll need to tweak periodically. In fact, I dropped another long-time friend last week. I never noticed how negative she was until I began eliminating stressful friends. Wow. Off the list she went!

I began this list five months ago, and I can?t tell you how much peace it?s brought into my life. The change in energy is amazing. Best of all, when things get crazy and I need strong friend support, I?ve got it. Yay!

Take a serious look at your friends and create a list like this today. I bet you?ll wonder why you waited so long, too. Oh, well. Better late than never, right?

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Eliminate Time Clutter - Create A Not To Do List By Linda Hampton

If you're busy and overwhelmed like most people you'll likely have some sort of to-do list going. It could be in the form of a notebook, a computer, mobile device or even heaven forbid a piece of paper. But some days looking at the list just makes me feel crazy. There is so many things to do that sometimes I get the feeling the list has "legs" of its own like a centipede.

In others words the list seems to keep growing and growing without my help. In my experience at some point the list becomes an alligator... one that bites.

So how do you get control of your to-do list?

How about creating a not to do list instead?

Because we've either heard and use these terms so often a great deal of our thinking comes from, No I won't, don't know how, can't get it done, part of our brain. I sometimes use this same concept with my list. Here's how it goes.

Take this article for instance. Most people would write on their to-do list get an article written by a specific date. Instead I might put on my not to-do list something like:

Not to waste time doing things that is not going to be of value to my clients. That forces me to focus on what I need to do first which is to add value. Because quite frankly, saying to myself write an article is not always an effective motivating factor for me. But when I think about giving value that can have an effect that motivates me to take appropriate action. In this case the action I take will provide the most value for my clients.

Let me give you another example. Maybe I need to clean the bathroom and let's face, it that's one of my least favorite jobs (maybe it's your least favorite too). I change that thought to "not to have my bathroom unprepared for company."

Here's the deal. Our mind is a funny thing. It's so use to the negative, it can be difficult to continuously focus on something positive. In fact, it would take an extraordinary the effort to focus on something positive all the time. And this of course causes stress

So here are some ideas of what to put on your not-to-do list:

? I am not going to get distracted from the most important thing I can do today (whatever that thing is). If I think about not getting distracted that automatically makes me think about the things I need to focus on.

? I am Not going to get confuse and buy into the idea that activity equals productivity. Instead do something that you know will move you closer toward your goals

? I won't going to attend events including teleseminars or teleclasses that I not willing to take the actions directed by the trainer. Instead carefully select the events you plan to attend.

? I won't confuse eating fewer meals with losing weight. Instead accept it's all about the actual food choices you make when you eat.

? I won't look at and respond to each email when it arrives. Instead select a time of day such at 9 am 12 noon and 4:30 pm and spend only 15 - 30 minutes reviewing and responding to email.

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The True Entrepreneur - 3 Tips for Your Success By John White, Jr.

There are a lot of people who have quit their jobs and became self-employed, but does that make them a true entrepreneur? Did you know that 25% of startup businesses fail within the first year, 44% by the third year, and by the fifth year it increases to more than 50%? This is why it is vitally important for you to get these 3 keys for your success.

Let?s discuss what a true entrepreneur is. Most of you would agree that an entrepreneur is one who is a risk taker, a visionary, thinks outside the box, is passionate and determined, driven and courageous, strong work ethics, highly motivated and creative, a learner and a maverick. These are just the basic characteristics of an entrepreneur.

However, to be a true entrepreneur you must also be a charismatic leader with integrity, who knows how to listen and make decisions, is disciplined and a passionate servant, humble, driven, loyal, a good listener and influential. To be successful, you must be the combination of the two. In addition, you need to develop a procedure of leading that becomes the foundation of your business? growth and prosperity.

Now, let?s look at why a lot of businesses fail and what you need to do in order to become successful. Here are the 3 tips for your success:

1. Change your mindset! Most people fail because their mindset remains focused on steady paychecks, job security, benefits, promotions and time off. They get discouraged and give up. Being self-employed means changing your focus from an employee?s mindset, to focusing on being your own boss and doing things your way. Starting a business takes serious focus, day-in and day-out, all hours of the day. Don?t burn yourself out by doing all the work yourself. To be successful, look for others who are the best to do the work for you. Strive to use other people?s time and other people?s talents (OPT). The true entrepreneur will find the best employees or the best specialists to run their business.

2. Be a leader! Get out of the mindset of having employees and start thinking about building a team. Employees compete with one another and have a win/lose mentality. Build a team that works together, helping one another for a common goal. Teamwork is not just something you teach. It is a lifestyle you live every day. It starts with you. A true leader will take responsibility for the success, as well as, the failure of the team. Learn how to communicate effectively with your people and develop great people skills if you really want be successful.

3. Adjust your focus! Life has a way of bringing distractions in front of us. Distractions can prevent us from seeing what?s on the other side. If you want your business to be a success, you must look beyond the distractions in life and focus on the joy of gaining possession of your dreams. Allow your focus to bring out the best in you. Robert Kiyosaki has a great definition for focus. In his book entitled Midas Touch, he defines the word FOCUS as Follow One Course Until Successful. You need the strength of character and the ability to stay on course until successful.

When you apply these 3 tips in your life, you position yourself for success. You don?t have to be another statistic. You now have the power to be a success for everyone to read about and follow your example. Develop the qualities of being a true entrepreneur and live the life you were destined to live.

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anger definition

The exact aggression anger definition definition and almost all its related studies tend to be constantly changing. This is because the times dictate your norms practiced and professionals worldwide are anger definition always studying the behavioral patterns regarding both children and adults.

The changes they observe through the behavioral patterns of children now as compared to children of the exact same age 20 or 30 rice show varied differences thus call for modification regarding anger definition certain definitions.

Aggression definition found in online sources and also other journals state that it's the behavior that way to anger definition inflict harm or demonstrate aggression. This display of aggression could possibly be directed to another individual, an institution or even only a simple wall. Any action with purpose to anger definition hurt another is therefore an obvious sign of aggression.

Nevertheless, further study into the topic will make one see that it is divided into 2 general categories and people have their own sub-categories too.

There are two categories often associated with aggression definition. These types are hostile aggression as well as passive aggressive behavior. Hostile aggression will be the common expression of the anger definition majority of people as it is facing outward and visible signs regarding anger definition anger are displayed.

Passive aggressive behavior might be a little hard to detect mainly because it mostly involves an oblique expression of anger or it can be totally suppressed by the person who is angry.

Hostile aggression is an outward expression of anger possesses 3 forms. The 3 forms of this aggression definition tend to be:

Verbal aggression - rise exhibited by either screaming, cursing, swearing, giving hazards, and plenty of disagreeing. Children are prone for you to shouting and teasing if they are agitated. These later escalate into physical violence as they get older which is why they should be taught to control their anger at an adolescent age.

Physical aggression - most men which are provoked resort to punching, kicking and the creative ones even be able to spitting. Physical aggression can bring about severe outcomes and even death sometimes. It is important for you to curb and calm the person with a violent tendency. They must seek professional make them control their anger better. This is typically expressed in tandem along with verbal aggressive behavior.

Vandalism - it is anger expressed anger definition by messing up property. Theft is another sort of hostile aggression even should the one doing it's not at all actually angry. It isn't any wonder that looting often happens soon there after a riot has started out. This hostile behavior is usually exhibited by people who don't know how to properly convey their rage. They resort to vandalism from envy and also out of the need to inflict pain on their targets.

The second sort of aggression is the unaggressive aggressive behavior. This is usually done by folks who definitely are angry but do n't need a confrontation. They resort to teasing as well as using sarcastic remarks to inflict pain on their target and subdue them according to their will.
anger definition

This is also further divided into anger definition several categories such as sarcasm, exclusion, teasing as well as suppressing anger. This anger definition cannot be easily spotted as the majority of people do not anger definition recognize it like a disorder.
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Do you think you're Violent? A Definition regarding Violence and Peace

Right after continuing Carl Jung's research I ran across that we are violent primates. Konrad Lorenz's analysis and his discoveries proved my findings. Many other scientific discoveries confirmed the identical truth.

Even though we feel that we are civilized, were far from balance. We feel that some people are violent, and some people are generally calm. However, the the fact is that human beings are exceedingly violent and dangerous primates. Our wars and offenses prove this truth more than anything else.

If some people seem to be calm, this is because they're satisfied for a although. Whenever someone is dissatisfied for whatever reason, he/she becomes angry. Wrath generates violence.

Do you become angry when someone can something against you?

Should you choose, this means that you're violent. If you ended up a peaceful creature, you'd probably simply become very miserable. You wouldn't become mad and desire revenge.

If you belong to the human race, you are unavoidably violent since you also have inherited many nasty and absurd tendencies in the wild side of ones conscience. You must change this dangerous content straight into peaceful content through fantasy therapy. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams will allow you to find peace.

In order to remove your violent reactions, you must be able to evaluate the importance of peace. If you believe that this behavioral patterns of violence are useful and you become violent if you are upset, you cannot find peace.

You have to understand the real meaning of violence. Violence is an immediate attack against others with all the intention to hurt these individuals. It is a physical force or maybe a psychological imposition characterized by cruelty and hatred.

When you think about the definition of violence you understand that it is a negative reaction. Even so, you forget its meaning after you become angry for whatever reason. You believe that you're right for becoming angry since you also were disrespected, insulted, or even robbed. You believe that you just cannot but feel revolted on this unfair situation. Anyone in your place would react the identical way.

You condemn violence in others, but if you are violent, you believe that you're 'right' because you ended up a victim of someone else's wickedness. This means that your particular behavior depends on other people's behavior. You cannot show compassion when those people who are around you are inappropriate. You become cruel as well.

You believe that your cruelty is often a self-defensive attitude. However, if you become angry whenever you must defend yourself, your anger will make you lose your head. You are able in order to kill your enemies only because they did something insignificant versus you.

You must be afraid of violence, instead of believing that violence is often a useful tool that can protect you on the cruel world. Violence is actually craziness. Violence generates terror.

You know that violence is something bad, however, you are used with the absurd mindset of the modern civilization. You theoretically condemn violence. On one other hand, you are induced to trust that the violent characters who kill the gangsters in several movies are admirable heroes you ought to imitate. You applaud those who use violence against violence.

You are induced in order to admire the violent globe leaders. You are induced to believe that you might want military protection in buy to preserve peace in your country.

What kind of peace is this? A peace that will depend on violence?
Peace is the opposite of violence. Peace is actually understanding and forgiveness. Peacefulness is serenity and solace.

How can you find peace in a cruel world?

You believe you must defend yourself from others at all times. You believe that you're an idiot if you remain calm if you are offended.

You must learn how to keep your peace of mind no matter if others disrespect your rights. When you are wise you're always calm because you already know that human beings are generally imperfect creatures. You eliminate their imperfections for realizing their inferiority.

Your wisdom reminds you that this real peace is based on goodness. You are often humble, sensitive, friendly, peaceful, sincere, and generous. Your attitude assists you to preserve peace without employing violence.

Peace based on impositions is surely an invisible war. You need to learn the difference between violence and peace by analyzing the wise unconscious messages in dreams.

You'll be aware that the behavioral patterns of violence are primitive and idiotic. You'll also learn this is of love.

The unconscious mind assists you to love humanity. You have a pity party for everyone. You want to see everyone finding serenity and happiness. Your philosophy of life is based on generosity and sanctity.

You understand that every person must attain spiritual perfection and learn how to be wise in order to find peace and happiness. The behavioral patterns determined by violence, and the selfish ideals imposed by the materialistic civilization cannot guide humanity find peace.
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anger definition

Anger strikes anger definition everyone once or twice or another. How we reply to anger, however, can mean the difference between a wholesome approach to problem solving and also a violent, uncontrolled anger definition reaction that will hurt not only on your own, but those anger definition around you.

Definition of Anger

While anger just as one emotion is difficult to explain, it does have some sort of definition, provided by psychologists as anger definition well as therapists. From irritation to be able to rage to intense, huge fury, anger runs by using a gamut that can drive someone forward to take constructive action or drive them to destroy.

On the actual level, anger brings about changes to body functions. Heartbeat speeds up as well as blood pressure rises as anger definition adrenaline surges with the system.

Part of madness of anger is who's inflates the negative qualities of the person or situation you are feeling anger towards. Things seem worse than there're, triggering a fight as well as flight reaction. This exaggeration anger definition leads to the instability of your mental state.

Anger can be some sort of constructive force if taken care of properly. Anger about injustice leads lots of people to work to anger definition appropriate that injustice. But in the event that mishandled, anger is in the same way likely to bring about the end of relationships, work, and even lives.

Controlling Anger

When anger gets a destructive force, anger management techniques might help bank the fire and redirect the vitality anger triggers. Anger management teaches the best way to recognize the signs of oncoming anger and reroute them, keeping them from ultimately causing violence or regretful actions. Instead, the energy is dedicated to taking positive action to address what is causing the anger.

Sometimes this course of action involves breathing techniques make it possible for focus and control. Sometimes it involves finding out address another person to constructively express what may anger definition cause your anger. Anger management does not invalidate anger or contemplate it inappropriate -- it just stops ensuing reactions from becoming uncontrollable, which is inappropriate.
anger definition

Whoever has difficulty controlling anger can make use of anger management. Severe anger is best treated with the help of a qualified therapist. Learning the best way to control anger by participating in anger management classes could also greatly improve job surroundings, relationships with others, and overall quality of life.
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[Review] Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is Ubisoft's newest shooter and will be released for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on May 1, 2013. Although Far Cry 3's engine was used, Blood Dragon is a stand-alone downloadable game.

The Setting
First of all, Blood Dragon takes itself not too seriously, it even reminds me of Duke Nukem. It's set in a near apocalyptic future, including cyborgs, mutated dragons and dinosaurs with laser eyes and guns. Tons of guns. You are Sergeant Rex Power Colt, a cyborg himself, and here to save the world from all evil creatures and cyborg soldiers. The game could've been made in the 80s because of its bright colors, huge explosions, and great features such as showing the enemy your finger.

Gameplay and Graphics
The game begins by requesting you to play A only to prove that you can read! Haha I really had to laugh for that. However, Far Cry 3: BD is an open world shooter where you can walk around completing missions or just shoot the f*** out of everyone. Of course, there are several weapons you can choose from, a bow for example, as well as grenades or vehicles. You can even distract an enemy by throwing a role playing dice near them, for example. 
The graphics and animations are pretty good due to Far Cry 3's engine. AI and difficulty of the game are well done, too. Although the brightness and colorful explosions, as well as the 80s music are in need of getting used to in the beginning.

All in all Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is a freaking arcade shooter with modern graphics, including 8 hours playtime. You can run, shoot, drive, melee kill enemies, such as you like. That's the true core of shooter games. Definitely worth it, rarely laughed so much playing a shooter.
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