
Comparing Internet Speeds for Gaming

Upload speed and latency, also known as "ping time," are the two most important factors in Internet speeds for gaming. Either a slow upload speed or a high ping time causes the player's game response to lag. The slow upload speeds of dial-up Internet access and the excessive ping time of satellite Internet do not work well for competitive gaming.

Online games that require players to compete against each other need Internet speeds of at least 0.5 megabits per second, or "Mbps." Ping time, the delay from the time a player makes a move until the signal reaches the server and returns, is measured in milliseconds, or "ms." Look for Internet services with ping times that average less than 120 ms. Lower numbers are better.

Another factor in choosing Internet service for gaming is dependability. One needs to know whether the upload and download speeds quoted by the company are accurate. Other considerations are the quality of the provider's servers and other equipment, what fluctuations in upload and download speeds are normal, and whether the service is subject to interference from weather or other causes.

Types of Internet Access for Gamers

DSL, cable and fiber optics provide Internet access for gamers. Because cable modem access services usually are shared among subscribers, speeds slow down during times of peak use. A digital subscriber line, or "DSL," provides high-speed Internet access using a regular phone line that connects to a broadband modem. Because a typical phone line is not shared, DSL speeds do not fluctuate during times of peak use. Faulty electrical connections, old wiring and interference from devices such as cordless phones, microwaves and shortwave radios, however, sometimes lessen the dependability of DSL. Bad weather affects both DSL and cable services.

Fiber-optic Internet access does not experience interference from the weather or electronic devices. Signals do not degrade as rapidly as those traveling through copper wires. Fiber-optic cable, usually made of thin strands of coated glass, carries digital signals very effectively. Instead of electricity, light passes through the fibers to transmit signals. International players who both have fiber-optic cable and whose systems connect to the transatlantic fiber-optic cable system enjoy smooth game playing with clear transmission and rapid response.

DSL usually is the least expensive option for Internet gaming. The connection is faster for receiving data than it is for sending data, and it works better when the user is in close proximity to the provider. The signal gets weaker when distances increase between the customer's system and the location of the DSL central office. There are several types of DSL providers available. Maximum upload speeds range from 800 kilobits per second, or "Kbps," for ADSL to 16 Mbps for VDSL.

Although fiber-optic plans usually cost more than either DSL or cable, they provide the fastest speeds available. Certain fiber-optic plans outperform all competitors with regard to upload and download speeds. Verizon's new FiOS Quantum technology provides customers the opportunity to experience upload speeds reaching 25 Mbps. Regular copper cable's top upload speed isapproximately 20 Mbps. There is no one best choice for all gamers. Not all services are available in all areas. Costs vary, and some plans limit the amount of monthly usage. Gaming habits, budget and availability of Internet services determine what is best for each individual.
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What is definition of depression? (Sandy McGregor)

Depression has been described as a kind of emotional numbness.

A person may feel he or she has no laughter or joy inside because these positive emotions have been blocked by unhappy memories. Old emotional hurts inevitably lurk inside and when the new feelings try to bubble up they are filtered through these hurts. Even the most beautiful experience cannot survive if it is being filtered through a preexisting feeling of hopelessness, fear or anxiety.
How Do We Become Depressed?

Basically we are aroused by only two sensations, pain and pleasure. We all want to avoid pain and pursue pleasure. The emotional cycle which leads to depression begins in the present with our initial experience of pain or pleasure, and ends with complex feelings which are "remembered"exclusively in the past. This cycle of emotions has been found by psychiatrists to follow this pattern:

Pain in the present is experienced as hurt.
Pain in the past is remembered as anger.
Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety or fear.
Unexpressed anger, redirected against yourself and held within, is experienced as guilt.
The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression.

Hurt is stored because the body retains a primitive subconscious ability to remember every incident that it experiences. This is called conditioning and is part of the way we learn.

Although many people are treated with anti depressant drugs, these medications do not cure the underlying hurt or sadness that is the true cause of the depression. When the medication is taken away the depression usually reappears.

Even though it can take longer and requires greater insight and courage, a depressed person can either release the inner hurt or reprogram it. He/She can learn new, more useful and effective responses to painful experiences. When this is accomplished a permanent cure usually results.

In the Life Skills Seminar you learn to overcome depression by understanding and practising:

The conscious ability to relax and release stress any time, anywhere.
The ability to focus the mind.
The ability to neutralise or reprogram subconscious "hurt memories".
The ability to develop mind/body exercises to overcome depression.
The ability to develop new responses to current experiences.

Civil Engineer, Colonel (ret) - military awards for clearing Vietcong Cu Chi Tunnels. Thankfully my son taught me methods to use the subconscious mind deliberately prior to the murder of my 3 daughters. I found inner strength by applying these methods and now teach about them. I have 6 books and many DVDs and CDs which have helped hundreds of thousands since 1989 and I absolutely love what I do.
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How to create a stress-free workplace? (Sophie Gong)

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How to maximize your self-control (jessica augus)

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Anger Management New York City

Anger is one of the typical and dangerous delusions, and it affects our thoughts almost every day. To fix the issue of rage we first need to identify the rage within our thoughts, identify how it damages both our self and others, and appreciate the advantages of being complacent in tough times. We then need to implement realistic techniques in our daily livesto mitigate our rage and lastly to avoid it from coming up at all.

Anger management New York City experts suggest that Anger is a deluded thought that concentrates on an animate or non-living item. For example, when we are upset with our colleagues, at that time he or she seems to us as an unappealing or distressing person. We then embellish his worst features by concentrating only on those factors that annoy us and neglecting all his excellent features and goodness, until we have designed up a psychological picture of a basically defective individual. We then wish to damage him in some way, probably by demeaning or disparaging him.

Because it is depending on an overstatement, rage is an improbable mind. It depictsan image of basically a defective person or thing that doesn't even exist. Moreover, as we shall see, rage is also an incredibly dangerous thought that provides no useful objective at all. Having recognized the characteristics and drawbacks of rage, we then need to look at our thoughts properly at all times in order to identify it whenever it starts to occur.

If we practice the tolerance of willingly recognizing pain, we can sustain relaxing ideas even when sufferings occur. If we sustain this relaxing and positive mind-set through the power of mindfulness, disappointed ideas will have no probability to occur. On the other hand, if we allow our self to stay on disappointed ideas there will be no way for us to avoid rage from instigating us badly.Patient acceptance does not actually mean that we do not take realactions to enhance our scenario. If it is possible to rectify the problem, then of course we should; but to do this we do not need to become disappointed and eager.

If instead of recognizing our existing discomfort we become disappointed and battle against it, we shall just become anxious, and consequently it will take more time to get rid of our frustration. Since we are in the world,we cannot prevent distressing, challenging situations and a certain quantity of actual discomfort. Instead of reacting blindly through the force of emotional habit, we should examine whether it is helpful or realistic to become unhappy in such situations. We do not need to become unhappy just because things do not go our way. Although until now this has indeed been our reaction to difficulties, once we recognize that it does not work, we are free to respond in a more realistic and constructive way.

Spiral2grow specialize in counselling like coaching, Psychotherapy and relationship building. Spiral2grow improve your self-awarness, emphasizing strengths and positives, promoting changes to achieve your goals and support you in overcoming your challenges.
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Keep Your Life in a Balance Way (Mercedes Yang)

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Stopping Panic Attacks Naturally By Michael Bridges

Stopping panic attacks is the goal of everybody who suffers with them. After all these attacks can come on without warning and can be extremely terrifying if left unchecked. In a lot of cases the attacks can worsen the more of them you have. Panic attack treatment may be required to get the situation under control and return you to a normal life.

What the actual causes of these attacks are is not really clear. However, there are links to what can trigger a panic attack. Things like stress, or major life transitions like a new job, marriage, having a baby or moving to a new place. If you suffer from agoraphobia, which is the fear of public places, this can bring on an attack. Anxiety about any situation is also culpable for causing an incident of panic.

Part of stopping panic attacks can be as simple as avoiding the triggers. Some triggers are unavoidable of course, but learning what triggers your attacks is a step in the right direction and once you know the triggers avoid the ones that you can.

Here are some other things you can do that will help you with dealing with panic attacks.

Meditation and relaxation techniques can help you to relax your mind and body so that the anxiety doesn?t take over. Remember the fear or anxiety you are feeling is really all in your mind. If you take control of your mind you can control the fear you are feeling.

Cut down or cut out your intake of stimulants, depressants or any other mood altering substances like alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and others. These substances can keep your body?s natural defenses from working to help you in stopping panic attacks.

Deep breathing is helpful when you feel an attack coming on. This method of breathing in slowly through the nose and exhaling slowly from the mouth is helpful in letting you concentrate on your breathing, which eases your mind.

Living healthier is a good deterrent of panic attacks. A healthy diet and exercise can make you feel better and has been proven to reduce anxiety.

Of course there are medicines that can help you cope with attacks and therapy that helps you deal, but if you?re looking for ways of stopping panic attacks in a natural way the methods just mentioned will help.

I hope you found this article helpful and that you find relief from your problem.

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What to do About Stress? By Charlene Lacandazo

Everyone will experience stress in different aspects of their lives; it may be at work, with their family, in their love life or with their health. However, whatever might be the cause of your stressful day, it creates the same effect on your body, mood, and even on other people.

Life is full of hassles, frustrations, demands, and if people don?t meet expectations or deadlines, the tendency is that our mind will be exposed to chaotic thinking and tiredness. This is how stress come out that can generally invade and ruin the enjoyment of your life.

For many people, stress is a normal part of life that usually appears in everyday situations. Stress isn?t always bad; however, dealing with stress is usually not good. Mild stress can help you deal with pressure and motivate you to do your best and finish your work before the deadline.

Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened, upset, and anxious. It may seem that there?s nothing you can do about stress. However, difficulties in dealing with this emotion may result in risk and danger to your health, physically and mentally.

Anyone experiencing stressful situation may be at risk of losing control of their emotions, which sometimes could ruin your ability to make decisions rationally. How to know if the anxiety is too much in dealing with your stress? How important is it to gain a deeper understanding about stress and what are the necessary things to do when dealing with such emotion?

Feelings such as worry and anxiety are just some of the common results of stress. Being stressed is sometimes healthy in order for a person to be alert and act. However, there are certain points in human life, where people cannot manage dealing with their stress.

Stress management effectively starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. At first, it may not be easy as you may tend to overlook your own stressful feelings and behaviour. However, providing a solution to a problem always starts with identifying the problem or cause.

The best remedy for stress is self-examination and taking significant actions that can definitely help you lessen your worries and fears. Examples include taking a break for a few minutes to practice some deep-breathing exercises, relaxation, and entertaining yourself like going to the spa or going shopping. These are just a few examples that can usually help people ease their stressful day. In addition, if you cannot remove the stress, remove yourself. If you are not getting along with your company, it is important to slip away and find a new sanctuary to work in.

There are several negative effects of stress on your health such as an upset stomach, recurring colds, headaches and insomnia. If you are having difficulty dealing with stress, it would also be best to seek professional help from a doctor or therapist.

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How Aggression And Lack of Self-esteem Are Alike

Aggression is often associated with the lack of self-esteem that many people have. Showing aggression in your speech could show one of the greatest flaws that people tend to avoid when they look for someone to work with or to have a romantic relationship with.

But many people who do not lack confidence tend to use aggression when they want to prove their point. That is a great problem that you could deal with if you are one of those people. If you are confident in what you do and what you are you will not tend to use the angry negative method to reach out for people.

But before jumping into judgmental assumption, let's see who uses aggression to convince others with what they believe. If you are going to look at every religion, you will find that the way to convince others with the belief is through peace and nice ways. There was never a successful person who used aggression to get their point to others; perhaps aggressive tones and demanding manners, but never violent aggression.

In martial arts, the way to do every move is through learning how to do it. The smoother your moves are, the better they get. Even in the sports that many consider 'violent' the masters of those sports tend to use their knowledge and instead of bringing aggression and violence to their moves, they make a wonderful piece of art.

The fact that one uses an aggressive tone might be to inspire others and motivate them, but when it turns out into pure aggression and violence then it's wrong. If you want to label it, you could say that cursing is a violent usage of language. However, you should not label it. The best thing you should do is to understand where someone comes from and try to comprehend and withstand them.

If you believe in yourself then you wouldn't need to use aggression, whether it was verbal, mental or physical aggression. There is no need to scream at someone to make them do something. If the problem consists with telling others to do something, then you should learn more persuasive ways and become more motivating. That's where many people fail at being team-leaders.

To become motivating, you must learn to give everyone a goal but you cannot scream at a bunch of people and expect them to listen to what you are saying. If you have a point at doing something then you shouldn't have aggression when you explain it. In fact, many people believe that aggression could be a method of liars. If you are right at something then you will know to wait until it reveals itself, not to attack others because they wronged you.

Aggression is not a tool that a strong man uses. It's the tool of the weak people. It's just like yelling because you cannot defend yourself. It doesn't help you when you want to carry out something and it certainly will drive people away from you.

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How To Cope With Pressure At Work By Roseanna Leaton

Do You Work Well Under Pressure? Pressure can take many forms and have an even greater variety of effects. There's emotional pressure, time constraints, dead lines to meet, expectations to be fulfilled and endless tasks that may have to be juggled. Some pressure is entirely of our own choosing and making whilst at other times we feel as if we are being buffeted by outside forces.

I was sent a photograph by a friend yesterday of her graduation. She has spent the last three or four years completing an MBA in her spare time whilst also holding down an important and many would say stressful full time job. A lot of "time juggling" went on in her life; of that I'm sure, between her employment, MBA work, her husband, family, hobbies and friends. I don't think I have seen such a beaming smile in a graduation photograph before!

The pressures she had dealt with were of her own choosing and she coped with them brilliantly. It was still pressure though and a huge relief to get that MBA over and done with.

Another friend mentioned in passing the effect of emotional pressure upon her life. Her father had passed away and also a couple of other friends and relatives in a fairly short period of time. She passed the comment that she just couldn?t seem to concentrate. She couldn?t focus. Even her golf game had "gone to pot".

Emotional pressure is probably the worst type of pressure to deal with, and it doesn't just affect you in the confines of your own home. Losing someone you love is stressful. Even when a distant acquaintance passes away you inevitably have an emotional reaction. As someone commented the other day "I never used to know where my black tie was. Now I do". He was making the point that he was becoming concerned about how vulnerable we are in life and what a fragile hold upon it we have.

Stress at work and pressure in the work place is inevitable in the current financial conditions. Countries teeter on the verge bankruptcy, yet alone States and smaller enterprises. Employees frequently work longer hours for lower wages, slashed bonuses and reduced pensions. They also make the effort to become better qualified and so more invaluable to their bosses. There is a lot of unusual pressure in the workplace, on top of the pressures that always existed in business.

You have to learn how to compartmentalize your work. You have to be able to switch off and relax and not take your work home. You have to be able to let go of worries and fears and make the most of the situation. Whilst some people have the "knack" for doing this, others are not so lucky. Some people dwell upon the pressures and suffer beneath their weight.

Using self-hypnosis is a very real way to relax, switch off and change your focus. Hypnosis in itself is a state of relaxation and so just by using hypnosis you will immediately feel calm and peaceful. Additionally hypnosis provides access to your subconscious mind that enables you to change your instinctive thought patterns, reactions and behaviors. Hypnosis provides a very efficient method of coping with pressure.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads to help you to cope with pressure.

P.S. Discover how to relax and focus your mind with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis download from my website now.

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A Good Business Plan includes Stress Management (peter thomos)

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Anger Management in Marriage Counseling Palm Beach

There are many times that anger creeps into a marriage and sometimes, it stays longer than expected. Rifts are caused between couples in many ways. Trying to avoid anger too much or encouragement of it can lead to many problems in a marriage. At times like these, a trained marriage counselor is very important to understand and treat the problem. The ability to balance different emotions is the key to any healthy, successful marriage. Counseling can help immensely in situations where couples are not able to solve different issues with a cool head.

Marriage counseling is often thought of as something to be ashamed of. The fact of the matter is that more couples would stay together longer if they had help and guidance from marriage counselors. Anger can build up slowly through resentments or it can show up often with little or no warning. Both are equally damaging to any relationship. They can alienate the people who are closest to them and eventually, they lose the people who love and care for them the most.

The marriage counseling palm beach has many great anger management psychologists, therapists, psychotherapists and counselors to help couples deal with anger issues both individually and as a couple. Whether it is one or both the parties need anger management, marriage counselors can be approached to find out more about what kind of help and therapies are available to help them.

Therapists and counselors are available to help couples heal and resolve the issues that are hurting them and the people around them. These qualified professionals, treatment, support groups and counseling can help people with anger issues by giving them new resources and the strength to overcome the burden they carry with them. They help couples resolve any problems that may be building up resentment between them. They teach them that being angry and hurting each other does not help them as a couple or individually.

Marriage counseling Palm Beach helps people understand that there is no need to be controlled by anger, frustration, resentment or a quick temper. They teach them techniques to control their rage and anxiety. There are many highly qualified and experienced counselors and therapists that can help couples learn to confront each other and resolve their conflicts without having to scream and shout and resort to violence and lead a happier and healthier marital life.

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To Avoid Problems is Easier Than to Solve Stress (Hans Neukomm)

Mankind is innovative - however many or most are using their divine creativity to create new problems instead of solving them. Let's have a look at one of the most common of such options and learn to avoid such problems in your life.

- How many times people do answer questions without being direct witness of the answer?
- How many times do you say "I have heard ..."?
- How many times do you talk about people while these people are absent and have no chance to correct what you say?
- How many times do you forward stories with questionable origin and content?

All such behavior is leading to repeated misunderstandings that need to be corrected or dissolved in love by the persons involved.

If you wish to reduce problems - one first step is to

Reduce any talk about third parties being absent.

Reduce or stop completely any talk about others at all unless it is for true teaching or true love and help.

Start to say only what you have directly, consciously and fully witnessed in person yourself.

Talk only if you truly have been asked to do so.

Talk only about others if you have something really positive to say, even if you have been asked about your opinion - avoid any blackmail for any reason.

Avoid any judgments about others in any situation - remember that God only loves and we all are learning to love all in any situations as much as God does.

Keep yourself out of any discussion about others - allow them to be present or invite them to be present - but do so only if you have the power to truly and divinely love them.

If however you want to progress even more on your spiritual path then you may

Focus all your efforts on your own life and matters and work with all your strength and love to dissolve your own ego in love rather than spending a single minute talking, discussion, arguing or thinking about others.

Use other peoples behavior and experiences to learn from their life for your very own spiritual benefit.

Remember that chances that you have done exactly the very same as most others on earth - including all your experiences in previous incarnations - is nearly 99.99% or higher!

If you feel to be any better than any other particular person - prove it by loving this person and all others more intensely than anyone else ever did. your intensity of love is the only measure of your spiritual state of progress.

True love in all and any situation of live, business, family, political, recreation, ... is the only and most efficient method to keep yourself out of any troubles and to improve the overall condition of life on this planet and beyond.

How can we learn to be quiet and loving while all the remaining of our society may be complaining, blackmailing and discussing about other people - you may ask? You remember the previous chapters about "open for God" and "rejection and fear". The techniques described there can be used as well to dissolve any energy, talk and discussions that you might want to dissolve rather than to answer.

The source of divine bliss and love shall always shower upon you any love you ever need - it is up to you to let this divine love flow through you toward all mankind - by doing so YOU will experience happiness, love and peace within and all your life is divine - every second of eternity - even here on earth.

Hans Neukomm is a born farmer son and creator of the Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love. Jesus teaching on love including the sacred teachings of Jesus kriya yoga are available for free download in the Spiritual Treasures with complete details on Kriya Pranayama and all sacred techniques of the holy science of Kriya Yoga.
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