
Cake Shop 2 - Open your Own Roadside Cafe to Earn Money

'Cake Shop 2' is the second installment of this cooking strategy game. On this game, your goal is to make plenty of money out from your Cake Shop. You will be situating your shop somewhere along the roadside where there will be plenty of people passing by. Sell them your tasty and delicious cakes to make your fortune.


1. You will be guided by the tutorial in the game.

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[Giveaway] Win a free PC game key

On my blog, you have the chance to win a free key for a PC game of your choice. Yes, you heard right. You choose which game you want to win.
As contacted us to host this giveaway for you, here’s how to join:

Choose the game you want to win
1. On the Rafflecopter widget below, log in with your Facebook or e-Mail account.

2. Choose one game from KeyforSteam’s great selection of games, and paste the Game URL on the box provided for on the widget.

3. Without the game URL, the entry will be invalid. Like and Follow our Facebook and Twitter pages to gain entries. To earn more entries, share and tweet about this giveaway every day!

This giveaway will officially close on 14 November 2013 and a winner will be announced the same day. Please check your e-Mail inboxes, as you might be the lucky winner. The winner will only have within 24 hours to respond to our email, before a new winner will be selected. Please read full Rules (Terms & Conditions) found on the widget. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Medieval Clash - Build your Castle and Compete with Other Players

'Medieval Clash' is a strategy game where you can compete with other players in real-time. This is actually a game where you are going to build castle and upgrade your defenses. As you win a certain challenge, you will receive prizes. Thus, if you are the best then you can win plenty of prizes.

function changeText(){
document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = '';

Play Medieval
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World War Tower Defense - 35 Creeps from Ancient Times to Modern Day

'World War Tower Defense' is a strategy game consisting of 35 creeps from the ancient times to the modern day. And you will be dealing with them with your strategic capability. Setup your tower defenses at the right spot and obliterate every creeps to achieve a high score.

function changeText(){
document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = '';

Play World War Tower Defense

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Knights and Kastles - Save your Homeland from an Evil King

'Knights and Kastles' is an action-strategy game where your mission is to save your homeland out from the hands of an evil king. You will be able to accomplish your goal when you have managed to capture the castle of your enemy. There are a total of 6 different types of units that are available. Take note, each of those units have their own strengths and weakness. Apart from the units, there
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Inferno Meltdown - This is your Chance to Become a Fire Fighter

'Inferno Meltdown' is an action-strategy game where you will take the role of a heroic fire-fighter. You will be dealing with infernos in various locations across the town. Fire can ignite from the bowling alley, cinema and to the gas-stations. This game actually features a highly flammable and explosive game-play. It includes oil barrels and petrol pumps that explodes. Your main weapon to
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Million Dollar Tower Defense - Raising Funds to Make the World Better

'Million Dollar Tower Defense' is a strategy game complete with tower technologies, super weapons, non-linear game-play and an epic final boss. What makes Million Dollar TD game is that people can buy and own the character sprites in the game. As the sprite 'owner', you can choose an image and associated link which will show in the game as your own character on the official website. As the
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Trench Defence - Tower Defense Game with Fusions

'Trench Defence' is a strategy-action game with fusions. Just like other tower defense game around, you will be building a variety of towers in which you can use to defend and obliterate every in-coming waves of enemies.

function changeText(){
document.getElementById('boldStuff').innerHTML = '';

Play Trench Defence

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Soldier Bears: A B/X or LL Monster

Painfully silly Google Plus tangent riffing is a powerful force in my psyche these days. As inspired by a tangent there about today's earlier post
Soldier Bears
No. Enc.: 1d6 (3d6)
Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic (Good)
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2+2
Attacks: 2 (claws) or 1 (polearm)
Damage: 1d4 or 1d10+1
Save: F3
Morale: 9
XP: 60

The creeping influence of the Weird has made the border cantons of the Overkingdom world-famous for their quirks and eccentricities. The chilly northern Marches of Nur are no exception and one of their sharper peculiarities is an undue fondness for military companies entirely staffed by anthropomorphic bears.

Nurian Soldier Bears are direct descendents of the mad experiments of that sadly misguided naturalist and wizard Tredvell Muyr. That he was ultimately mauled and eaten by the beast-kin he so lovingly raised from animal brutality failed to dissuade the Nurians from keeping them in service. For sure only a heart made black by jaded calcification can not be moved to great sentiment by a lumbering column of these creatures drawn up in tight parade ranks.

Soldier Bears, when the pre-hibernation wanderlust is on them, will often part from their barracks-dens for tours and adventures of the Hill Cantons. As such they can be encountered paw-fishing in local mountain creeks or taking hireling odd-job positions in the Guild of Condottieri, Linkboys,Roustabouts and Stevedores.

Though considerably smaller than their feral counterparts, Soldier Bears are fierce fighters with their much-beloved polearms, gaining a +1 to damage when employing them.
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More Slavic Art Inspiration

In the 1990s, saddled with a somewhat useless journalism degree I zig-zagged into teaching English at a state-run school in what was then Czechoslovakia (thanks to the Velvet Divorce I ended up on the “wrong” side of the new border). 

One of the things I took out of that experience—other than a whipped liver—was an obsession in collecting Slavic folk art books dumped in the millions by the exiting Russians.

If anything starting to run the Hill Cantons, which has one big foot in the dark, moody fairy tales and pagan/syncretistic mythology of pan-Slavdom, has given me an opportunity to rekindle that monomania and put it to at least some inspirational use. 

Big and little early 20th century names like Bilibin, Roerich, Mucha, Repin, Orinyasky and others have graced many of the posts here and many of the published arcana.

Beyond my silly and transparent aesthetic pretensions, they serve a practical purpose of generally helping me visualize in my mind's eye what the hell the HC looks like. And even on occasion a whole encounter, NPC, adventure site etc may get jostled out of digging on a certain picture (like the downright weird neo-paganism of this guy).

Recently I have been tracking down the lovely illustrations of Ukrainian artist Heorhiy/George Narbut (note to self: “add more bears with polearms”). A taste...

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Frenzy Salon - Help Maria Attend to Her Customers

Maria had just recently started her own salon somewhere in the down-town. It happens that you are courting Maria and you think that by helping her, she will soon respond to your offer about taking her out for a date. Well, you got 8 days to prove and impress Mariah. On this game 'Frenzy Salon', you will be helping her wash, cut and massage her clients. As a reward for your effort, you will get
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The Amazon Class

For Barbarella the one and only amazon of my heart.

Requirements: STR 11 (Western), DEX 11 (Eastern)
Prime Requisite: STR or DEX
Hit Dice: 1d8
Maximum Level: 12

Zem, the turtle-borne world of the Hill Cantons, bears not one but two great nations of what are ham-fistedly called “Amazons” by the weak of imagination. 

Both tribes claim a common founding (and likely apocryphal) figure the great Queen Dwar Kin and a similar martial and matriarchal bent to their cultural ethos, and despite their differences in psycho-geography and language, they exhibit a rather remarkably consistent culture.

Those of Oiorpata, that distant and exotic isle near the resting point of the Sun Lord's daily ride, are a fine, strong-boned, if verbally assertive race noted for their love of high-crested, baroque helmets, polished armor, and knitting circles. World famous is their biennial Ebon Festival of the Pearls, a soiree that marks both the climax of the black pearl harvest from the swamp-polyps and the victory of that muscle-bounded race of maidens against the invading forces of the Overkingdom in the Twicefold Battle of Vague Suggestiveness, now some 112 years ago. It is said that the high-point of the festivities is the public bathing and drinking by their much-feared, rubenesque queen of the blood of 12 male lovers.

The amazons styled as the Bila-Urkithians are a semi-nomadic race who ride the eastern reaches of the Sea of Grass. The “White” Urkithians favor wildly-stripped, baggy trousers in defiance of their more patriarchical neighbors, the Pantless Barbarians, gaily-colored tassels, and phyrgian hats or helmets. Though thinner-boned then their western sisters, they are of a durable and fierce nature, particularly hating all forms of the romanticized Amazonomachy so beloved by Overkingdom court painters. They are ruled by a council of elected Hetwimmin who meet annually to organize a massive, and mostly peaceful demonstrative march through the Hill Cantons.

Western Amazons by way of their life-long training and aesthetic choice are masters (mistresses?) thrown or hurled weapons, most notably the pilum (a heavy javelin delivering d6+1 damage), lasso or atlatl, gaining a +1 to hit and an incredible extra 30 feet of range with such weapons. They also deal +1 in damage in melee when striking with a spear.

Eastern Amazons gain a +1 to hit when on horseback and a +1 to hit with their beloved composite bows or darts. They also receive a +1 to hit with the gracefully-styled hand-axes they prefer.

Amazons as a willful race save as Dwarves.

They so despise those weak-willed men who encase themselves in gothic-plated cocoons of steel that they may only wear armor of chain (or half-plate) and under.

Amazon Level Progression
Experience Level Hit Dice (1d8)
0 1 1
2,101 2 2
4,201 3 3
8,401 4 4
16,801 5 5
33,601 6 6
70,001 7 7
140,001 8 8
280,001 9 9
400,001 10 +3 hp only *
540,001 11 +6 hp only *
660,001 12 +9 hp only *
*Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored

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