Zac, the secret weapon is the newest champion in League of Legends. Many players have already bought him, he's incredibly strong. Maybe the most overpowered champ ever made? Or perfectly balanced yet? I've played him and this is my guide about Zac.
General Features
Zac looks like a green version of the villain Boo from the anime Dragon Ball. In game, he can be played best in top lane or jungle because Zac combines very good mobility and can sustain a lot of damage, which is one of the reason many players find him too strong. Let's have a quick overview about his abilities:
Abilities and how to use them
1. Cell Division: His passive. If Zax uses an ability, he drops a blob which can be picked up to recover health. When Zac dies he splits into four parts which slowly moves to the point where he died. If one or more reaches this point, Zac is revived with a percentage of his maximum health. The passive has a pretty high cooldown and these parts when he died can be shot down very easily. For example: Zac dies is a teamfight, splitting into four parts. The enemy carry just needs four quick shots and Zac is dead, or maybe an area of effect from Nasus and he is no more.
How to use: When you're low at health, just spam your abilities. Each time you're using one, you loose a percentage of your current health by dropping a blob. But! When picked up you recover a percentage of your MAXIMUM health, meaning you can regain very quick your health points.
2. Stretching Strike: His Q is his main ability to slow and damage your enemies. Because of his long distance, use it from bushes or across walls to hit your targets.
3. Unstable Matter: Your W should be learnt first when going to the jungle. It's Q simple AoE damage attack, very useful for team fights.
4. Elastic Slingshot: The ganking ability. Zac charges up and jumps a huge (!) distance and can easily jump from the river bush in mid lane over the half lane and stuns your enemy when hit. How to use: There are also new ways to jump for him, meaning new possibilities to gank. Here are two examples:
5. Let’s Bounce: Zac's ultimate allows him to bounce three times on the ground, damaging and slowing enemies in your way. How to use: Either you can follow your enemies quite easy because even stuns can't stop you from bouncing, or run fast like hell to escape everyone.
Useful combos:
1. Ganking
Jump from the bush to you enemy using Elasting Slingshot and do a lot of damage with Unstable Matter. When the enemy champion wants to flee, slow him with Streching Strike and finish off with your ulti Let's Bounce. You can even dive him because your passive will almost every time save you from dying under the tower.
2. Fight and Follow, Teamfights
Start with Unstable Matter to do a lot of AoE damage, and use Streching Strike to hit enemies standing behind (like the carry). Elastic Slingshot allows you to follow the champs if the want to run, and immediately thereafter use your ulti to stun the enemies. This way your whole team can catch up, even the slow ones, and your team scores the ace.
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