
What Makes a Great Sandbox Adventure Great?

For going on six months now I have been doing an on-again/off-again read/reread of favorite or suggested sandbox products. Unbidden the same driving question keeps popping into my broken brain: what particular set of things makes this product so damn good? (What makes it shitty or mediocre being an interesting and useful question for another time.)

I have something like 30 unfinished blog posts beating, beating in tell-tale-heart urgency from my draft box and some of them are various attempts to move those margin notes into a blog series. Reckon it's time to whip those recalcitrant posts into publishable shape.
Before I kick off the series though let me set the frame. Imagine the standard disclaimer here these elements are what make a particular sandbox pop me for me, your own mileage may vary blah blah blah. You will note that how I frame the criteria precludes a number of much beloved sandboxes and hex-crawls.

Lines had to be drawn.

That said I am curious to hear if you the reader were making this list what would you include? What particular thing inspires you or helps you run it? And what products would you through on your High Fidelity Top Five list?

What constitutes an exemplary sandbox adventure:
  • Main frame is a large, but bounded wilderness or outdoors environment.
  • Open ended and allows (may even explicitly plan) for different outcomes and play (though most often having loose overall goals or player motivations wired in).
  • Combines the adventure-site exploration with another deep axis (political maneuvering, interesting NPC goals, timelines or whatever) to make it multi-dimensional.
  • Site description is in my utterly subjective “sweet spot” (between terse hex crawl and baroque setting books).
  • Has distinctive color and texture.
  • Often has something that enhances or bends the system it is designed for (say mechanics for running particular natural obstacles or mythical wildernesses that bend standard rules).
  • Has a map that is either aesthetically inspiring or has interesting play choices built in. 

Sandbox adventures to be examined (ranked loosely by personal inspiration):
  • Griffin Mountain (Runequest)
  • Twilight 2000 adventures
  • Heart of the Sunken Lands (Midkemia) 
  • Vault of the Drow (AD&D)
  • John Stater's Land of Nod/Hex Crawl Chronicles
  • Pitzburke (Gamma World 2e)

Almost rans (ballpark goodish, that may or may not be thrown in):
  • Leviathan, Prison Planet, Tarsus and Beltstrike (Classic Traveller)
  • Isle of Dread (B/X)
  • Night's Dark Terror (BECMI)
  • Qelong (LoTFP)
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"Fast Packs" for Boot Hill

I am a little behind in prepping for the Boot Hill Cantons mini-campaign I was going on about a few days back, but here's something of potentially wider use for folks running Boot Hill and other western campaigns. Texas-sized thanks to those beautiful broken minds on this Google Plus thread that helped me crowdsource the baroquely over-done table at the bottom. 

Starting Gear
All starting characters come with cheap but functional range clothes, bed roll, canteen, poor-quality horse and $5 to their name. Roll on the following charts for the rest of your gear.

Distinctive Piece of Finery
Pick or Roll d20 Once
1 Buckskin Jacket
2 No Name Poncho
3 Ten-Gallon Hat
4 Civil War kepi
5 Threadbare Butternut Confederate Artillery Jacket
6 Union Cavalry Uniform pants and suspenders
7 Furry Bear Coat
8 Top Hat
9 Sombrero, Campesino
10 Sombrero, Mariachi band-style
11 Bolo Tie
12 White Mexican Federale uniform, patched
13 Derby, arrow-stuck
14 Cowboy Hat, bullet ridden
15 Duster, bloody cuffed
16 Beaver Coat, full length
17 Spanish Boots, Spanish Leather
18 Fancy Mexican Riding Boots, silver spurred
19 Chaps, sequined
20 Calico Dress

Hogpieces and Other Primary Killin' Implements
Roll d10 Once
1 Repeating Rifle, 9-shot
2 Double-Barrel Shotgun
3 Fast Draw Revolver, 5-shot
4 Fast Draw Revolver, 6-shot
5 Single Action Revolver, 5-shot
6 Single Action Revolver, 6-shot
7 Buffalo Rifle
8 Civil-War Repeating Rifle
9 Repeating Carbine, 6-shot
10 Three Sticks of Dynamite, short fuse

More Killin' Dee-vices
Roll d10 or Pick Twice
1 Comanche Lance
2 Big Ass Bowie Knife
3 Throwing Knife (x2)
4 Tomahawk
5 Single-Shot Derringer (x2)
6 Two-Shot Derringer
7 Old, but Well-Oiled Cap & Ball Revolver
8 Long-Barrel Revolver
9 Calvary Sabre
10 Rusted Scatter Gun, 10% chance of it exploding when fired.

Random Crap
Roll d100 Twice
01 Dead US Marshal's Badge
02 Silver-Plated Single Action Revolver
03 Tombstone
04 Three coils of 60-foot rope
05 Small herd of goats (five)
06 Stubborn Old Mule named after an Old Sweetheart
07 Braying donkey named King's Kent
08 Silent mute “trail wife” but loyal
09 Hillbilly Musket (treat as Army Rifle)
10 A velvet-lined coffin
11 Silver whiskey flask with monogram
12 30 Silver Dollars
13 Keg of Gunpowder marked XXX
14 Ten pounds of Deer Jerky
15 Three jugs of corn liquor
16 Holy Bible with cut out derringer space
17 Gold snuff case
18 Two pounds of chewing tobacco and spitoon
19 Bottle of Scotch, peaty
20 Amputation hacksaw
21 Prison manacles and chain
22 A set of spurs pitted and rusted
23 Rattlesnake, live
24 Guitar or banjo
25 Lonesome-sounding harmonica
26 Grave-diggin' shovel
27 Pocket watch on chain, Dad's
28 The prospector's will
29 Bearer bonds (50% confederate)
30 William Blake poetry, slim volume
31 tobacco, wacky, 2 "twists"
32 Small pouch of gold dust
33 6 silver bullets
34 Assorted ladies hosiery
35 Deck of cards, marked
36 Deck of cards, unmarked
37 Piano tuning equipment (fork, hammer, mutes)
38 Old cracker tin containing several peyote buttons
39 Wooden leg, pilfered
40 Dime store novels, random assortment
41 music box
42 String of Chinese coins
43 One-horned ox
44 Dentistry kit
45 Undertaker's tools
46 Bible, natty
47 Miniature Vest Bible, steel-backed
48 Three sasquatch teeth
49 Scalps, notable figures
50 Scalps, comrades
51 Diploma, college
52 Dead or Alive Wanted poster, you
53 Dead or Alive poster, twin brother
54 Bullwhip, lovingly maintained
55 Clark Stanley's Snake Oil Liniment, Made From Genuine Rattlesnakes
56 Pabst's Okay Special (22% alcohol, take 2 teaspoons 3x daily)
57 Dr. Wengert's Hepatica Pills
58 Dromgooles Bitters
59 The Mormon Elders' Damiana Wafers, for Strengthening the Brain, Nerves, and Sexual Organs
60 Crane's Laxative Mint Chewing Gum
61 Kickapoo Indian Sagwa Renovator
62 Jayne's Vermifuge
63 Saddlebags with secret compartments
64 Ridiculously ornate shotgun, small bore, once used by a Portuguese Duke to shoot partridges.
65 Worn but still razor-sharp skinning knife.
66 2 pound bag of coffee beans
67 Coffee hand mill
68 Autograph book
69 Ten Confederate gold pieces
70 Gold pocket watch
71 Vial of nitroglycerine with dropper
72 French's ladies' underwear, made in Chicago. Red satin & black lace
73 Cargo manifest and letters taken off a Civil War smuggler/blockade runner
74 Domino mask or red handkerchief, conceals identity perfectly
75 Crystal skull, stolen
76 Head in a box wrapped in brown paper and string
77 Last letter from a famous gunslinger
78 Hound dog, scrawny but tenacious
79 Child named William
80 Branding irons in small shapes that can be used to 'correct' brands on cattle
81 20" cast iron skillet with lid
82 Harness and tack for plough-mule
83 Three iron blades for ploughs
84 Rusty sickle
85 Five axe-heads in various sizes, just add handles
86 Sixty-two pounds of nails in an oily sack
87 Apache medicine bag
88 Three sacks of oats
89 20-pound Bag of flour
90 Plunger Detonator, 26 notches cut in box
91 Belt buckle big enough to hide a derringer behind it
92 Basket of paper roses.
93 Letter promising a job in Machine, Montana. It's a month old.
94 Knife with an elk horn handle.
95 String of Five Wild Horses, Unbroken
96-00 Upgrade Your Horse (stackable)

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The Hill Cantons Run Red Mini-Campaign

It's summer and I have been predictably getting a little restless and low in the batteries. Time for another mini-campaign to break up routine.

This time about I am going to swing back to the murderous rapine of that Boot Hill (second edition) one-shot I ran a while back. I'm unsure exactly how many sessions this thing will go before it ends, but I think I am going to just expand off of the last dust-up.

Keeping the same town (with a hex map of the surrounding area) and keeping a scoring system in place. Points are going to be scored either individually but with the option to share for collective activities if the players want to. For example if they rustle a herd of cattle they can take individual shares of the point take (or one player takes all if he decides to cross his fellow's and kill them off).

At any rate one player is going to win--or at least several tie. That should punch up the mayhem factor a few notches. It will be interesting to see what happens with a variant of the Prisoner's Dilemma game in place. Hell I will probably even throw in a prize for the winner.

So without any further adieu the revised Marauding Point System, local NPCs and the starting hooks. (Hex map of Cantones County coming later.)

Marauding Points
Each “combatant” killed: 50
Each scalp of a combatant taken: 10
Each non-combatant killed: -50
Each $1 of loot or bounty earned or taken: 1
Total destruction of an inhabited building: 20
Poor horse, mule, or donkey stolen: 20
Fair horse stolen: 30
Good horse stolen: 50
Excellent horse stolen: 100
Cattle per head rustled: 10
Sheep per head stolen: 5
Horse or Cattle Thief hung: 25
Getting killed: lose half your points

Captain Ferral. Former Confederate bushwacker, discharged from the Texas Rangers for being too psycho tunes for that outfit. Meanest son of a bitch you ever met, though he never killed a woman who didn't have it comin'. Heads up the Moderators.

Jay Augustus Jissom. Semi-famous cattleman and trail-breaker of the Jissom Trail. Has set up a dry goods store in Cantones de Los Montanos to rival the monopoly of the Evo's-- and consequently touched off the Cantones County War (the Evo-backed Moderators vs. the Jissom Boys).

Claude Evo Jr. Cattle baron son of the gunned down Claude Evo. A spitting image of his father right on down to that damned bolo tie.

Frank Stripes. former doctor run out of his Mississippi practice for unwholesome phrenological studies with the craniums of dead convicts and vagabonds. Every once in a while--deep into his jug of corn liquor--he will slip up and introduce himself as “Phillip”.

Vilem “Bohemian Bill” Psanec. Fastest Moravian in the West. Laying low in the area after the Bad Rye Massacre. Has a fondness for slivovce. Officially neutral.

“Wild Bill” Hickock. Still in the area after the big shoot out drowning his sorrows in whisky and gambling. Fixin' to run on up to a little town called Deadwood.

Bat Masterson. What authorities there are over in the county seat in Broken Oath City have employed this dead-shot lawman to bring a little law and order to this side of the county. He's rumored to have a six-month contract in place before he moseys up to Dodge City.

Boss Peckerwood. Chubby, petulant former opera singer. Chief foreman at the Big Moran Mine and colder than a whore's heart on Sunday.

Paco and Tuco Ramirez. Twin brothers and “comancheros” (traders who illicitly trade with the Comanche).

Local News courtesy of Breezy Pete
Reckon that the Moderators and The Jissom Boys are hiring gunslingers seeing as they are evenly matched with five pistoleros a piece. See each of their bosses for hiring on.

It's said that the Ramirez brothers want no one less than Bohemian Bill dead but of course are too low down and yellow to do the deed themselves. They are offering 150 silver dollars to any one who cuts him down.

Speaking of the Ramirez brothers it is said one can buy just about anything contraband in their back roomup to and including Comanche captives that they trade off for

Well and come to think of it speaking of killing for profit, I reckon those locked out silver miners up there want that old sow Boss Peckerwood dead too. Bet they'd be willing to hand over a few boxes of dynamite and some proceeds from the Western Federation of Miner's mutual aid fund to anyone who does him in.

Claude Evo Jr. has been outdoing his pa, no mean feat, in accumulatin' the biggest herd of longhornsthis side of the Little Pecos. Everybody knows it's through rustling but who's going to stop the Big Man?