
Battlefield 4 - Announced for Next-Gen Consoles

Electronic Arts officially announced Battlefield 4 for the Playstation 4 and the Xbox 720 but there are only some further information about the next-gen shooter known.

Battlefield 4 will use the Frostbite 2 engine using 80% of its possibilities. As a comparison: Battlefield 3 is only using 30 to 40%, meaning the graphics will improve a lot. The Xbox 360 and PS3 were released 2005, and a new console with whole new hardwear is really necessary in my opinion. Last week, Gamestop had their eyes on an alpha version of the game - and they said it's awesome regarding gameplay and graphics. Unfortunately, the release date of Battlefield 4 is unknown.

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Crysis 3 - Top 5 Multiplayer Weapons

Electronic Arts has released a new trailer for the upcoming Crysis 3, featuring the top 5 dealiest weapons of the game. A detailed beta multiplayer review of Crysis 3 was already written by me. Crysis 3 will be released on February 19 in North America, and February 22 in Europe for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

5th - The Predator Bow
This weapon is not just a simple bow, it's a lethal and quit weapon for the stealth players. It can be modified by different ammunition types, for example electric arrows for shooting into a river.

4th - The Scar Mod 2
This allround weapon exists since the original Crysis in 2007. In Crysis 3, there will be a modified version including new attachements like scopes, laser pointers, barrels etc. The gun suits for every fight, from close combats to long distance shoots. I had a lot of fun playing with it in the beta.

3rd - The Typhoon
The Typhoon is a machine gun which shoots 500 bullets per second. Death guaranteed. Lighter than the Scar, but I recommand it in close combats. For example you step through the door of a huge building and suddenly you face an enemy. The typhoon is there for you.

2nd - The Predator
It's an alien flame thrower. Sounds scary? It is, but only for your enemies. Especially for short distance fights, or when facing a couple of enemies at the same time, the predator will bring you some double or multi kills.

1st - The Reaper Cannon
The reaper cannon is an alien weapon, too, but as the name says, a hand cannon. It reminds me a bit of Halo 4. You shoot bullets like crazy at the enemy team, once you see a soldier, he's already dead. No chance for them to escape or fight.
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[Review] Crysis 3 - Multiplayer Mode [Part 2]

After an detailed review of the hunter mode in Crysis 3, now it's time to review the crash side mode, the graphics and the nanosuit of the beta. You can still play it via Origin until February 12, 2013.

The Crash-Side Mode:
In contrast to the hunte rmode, here everyone is equipped with a nanosuit on the battlefield. There are two teams fighting each other, and in the beginning of the map you choose between premade classes or your own. For example, you want to be sniper, you just grab the class with the sniper gun. Of course you can't choose two or more primary weapons at once because the balance would be gone.

All over the map there are the so called crash-sides which you can compare to a normal conquest-mode point. When your team captured a crash-side, your team earn points over team and the first team to reach 200 points win. Furthermore, there are different vehicles on the map but you can only use them in a short period.
In my opinion, these vehicles are cool to use but not necessary like in Battlefield 3 for example. Neither they are over powered, meaning Crytek did a good thing not to copy BF3 and their vehicle system.

Graphics and the Nanosuit:

Within the first seconds of the game, you notice that the nanosuit has improved. Crytek did a lot of research on it since the beginning of the original Crysis 1 back in 2007. The game ist very fast paced, you can run across the whole map in a few seconds if you want, for example. Or run to a crash-side, jump and grab the edge of the building to climb it up. These movement options make the game fast and fluent, but not hectic.

If you want, you can just grab the sniper, climb a mountain and shoot the enemies in peace.

The graphics are impressive, just as expected. The only negative to say about is that it's sometimes too colorful. There are pop-ups, explosions, the HUD, everything too much at once. It's getting better when you're used to it but in the beginning it was distracting to me.

If you dn't play it, you'll miss it because it's definitely worth the price. I haven't played the singleplayer so far but the multiplayer is done right. Play it for yourself if you're not sure, there are still some days left to play the open beta via Origin.
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[Review] Crysis 3 - Multiplayer Mode

After the whole crysis 3 achievements list were revealed, now the open beta of Crysis 3 has begun and I'm going to analyse the whole multiplayer part with its modes, weapons, its graphics and the nanosuit, of course. By the way, the multiplayer beta can the played via Origin until February 12, 2013.
The beta contains two maps and two modes to play. First, there is the Hunter mode and second the Crash-side mode including an XP system like in Call of Duty and several pre-order weapons. I've played both modes intensively, so you can get a good impression whether to play, too, or not.

The Hunter Mode:
This is a new mode in the Crysis series and I'm surprised how good Crytek made it. The idea behind it is, that in the beginning of the map two hunter are determined and the rest of the players are CELL operatives.

The hunters have nanosuits with unlimited cloak, as well as a compisite bow, which is one of the new weapons in Crysis 3. The CELL soldiers can choose between three classes, but have no nanosuits themselves. Now the hunters have two minutes to kill every single CELL soldier on the map. Of course, CELLs try to survive at all costs. You can hide in a dark corner, run like crazy through the whole map or organize a team to beat the hunters. If you get killed you turn into a hunter yourself, meaning the last CELL soldier must survive against a whole team of nanosuit killer machines.

The goal is to earn points. For each second you survive, you get points, but you can also earn extra points for killing a hunter with a counter attack. Of course, as a hunter you get points by killing the enemy soldiers, turning them to hunters themselves.

I really enjoyed this mode because it's very quick and thrilling. There's no time to operate in complicated strategies, you just kill or survive. The only criticism is, that the points for killing a hunter are to low because the risk of getting killed is extremely high and you earn more points just by hiding or running away. On the other side a very good feature is that the soldiers are not defenseless. First, they have weapons but second, they see hunters on the map if they get too close to the CELLs. Meaning the hunters only have big advantages in big, open areas where they have a big range.

The Crash-Side Mode:
For the review of the crash-side mode, read the second part of my review of Crysis 3.
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Black Ops 2 - Zombie Movie by Jason Rosete

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 was released on November 12, 2012 for all consoles and PC, and everyone might have played it so far. But here's something you've not seen. Something new. Fans of the game made a live-action fan movie on youtube called "Black Ops 2 Zombies: Revolution", featuring guns, blood, a huge load of action and - of course - zombies. But not just zombies, they're nazi zombies! Credits for this film go to Jason Rosete Film, check out his youtube channel for more.

By the way, three days ago on January 29, a new DLC was released for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. This downloadable content - called "Revolution" - features four new multiplayer maps, a brand new weapon, and the new zombie game mode including one map. So the Black Ops 2 fan movie featuring zombies is no coincidence, as you can see. Below you can see the first part of the movie.

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