
[Review] Crysis 3 - Multiplayer Mode [Part 2]

After an detailed review of the hunter mode in Crysis 3, now it's time to review the crash side mode, the graphics and the nanosuit of the beta. You can still play it via Origin until February 12, 2013.

The Crash-Side Mode:
In contrast to the hunte rmode, here everyone is equipped with a nanosuit on the battlefield. There are two teams fighting each other, and in the beginning of the map you choose between premade classes or your own. For example, you want to be sniper, you just grab the class with the sniper gun. Of course you can't choose two or more primary weapons at once because the balance would be gone.

All over the map there are the so called crash-sides which you can compare to a normal conquest-mode point. When your team captured a crash-side, your team earn points over team and the first team to reach 200 points win. Furthermore, there are different vehicles on the map but you can only use them in a short period.
In my opinion, these vehicles are cool to use but not necessary like in Battlefield 3 for example. Neither they are over powered, meaning Crytek did a good thing not to copy BF3 and their vehicle system.

Graphics and the Nanosuit:

Within the first seconds of the game, you notice that the nanosuit has improved. Crytek did a lot of research on it since the beginning of the original Crysis 1 back in 2007. The game ist very fast paced, you can run across the whole map in a few seconds if you want, for example. Or run to a crash-side, jump and grab the edge of the building to climb it up. These movement options make the game fast and fluent, but not hectic.

If you want, you can just grab the sniper, climb a mountain and shoot the enemies in peace.

The graphics are impressive, just as expected. The only negative to say about is that it's sometimes too colorful. There are pop-ups, explosions, the HUD, everything too much at once. It's getting better when you're used to it but in the beginning it was distracting to me.

If you dn't play it, you'll miss it because it's definitely worth the price. I haven't played the singleplayer so far but the multiplayer is done right. Play it for yourself if you're not sure, there are still some days left to play the open beta via Origin.

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