
[Guide] LoL - Zac Item Build and Counter

After my general guide to Zac for League of Legends, especially on how to use his abilities, I'll give you now several item builds for him playing solo top lane or jungle lane. Zac's abilities scale with Ability Power, so it's better playing him with an AP building order than AD.

Jungle - Full Tank
Zac profits a lot from health because his passive allows him to drop a blob which can be picked up to restore a percentage of his maximum health. When you're low life, don't just teleport back to the base, just go into the jungle and spam your abilities. Each time you'll recieve this percentage of your maximum hp, and you'll be easy recovered. Zac is also able to jump directly into the enemy team, or engage with his ultimate. When built as tank, the enemy champs can't take you down.

Jungle - AP

As said before, Zac's abilities scale with ability power, meaning you build a lot of AP to make damage. Rylai's and Liandry's give Zac a lot oh health, too, so he still profits from his passive as explained above in the full tank build.
Note: I prefer playing him full tank because he's not this great damage dealer as other AP champs (Lux, Kassadin, etc.).

Solo Top - AP/Health

When playing him solo top lane, early health is essential. This way even a high damage dealer as Teemo or a really annoying champs as Yorick can't kill you, and you can simply lane forever because he heals himself very quick and doesn't use mana. Spirit Visage gives Zac additional 20% on his health regen and self-healing effects which makes him such a good laner.

Counter and Negative Aspects about Zac
The negative part about him is that he isn't doing great damage. Simple as that. Although he is very sustain and a great tank in my opinion, even when fed with 5-0-0 for example the game is not lost yet for the enemy team. Due to this aspect, I really recommand you to play him as a tank, wherever you play him. Of course, as top laner he gains a lot more gold and can easily counter a Shen or Singed who give the enemy a good tank, too.
To play against Zac you need high damage in short time. Kassadin, LeBlanc, Teemo, or any AD carry. When Zac's passive is activated (because you killed him), you still need to shoot down his four parts, else he doesn't die. 


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