
How to Handle Problems By Karen Hood-caddy

Everyone who hires me has a problem. Sometimes that problem is big, sometimes it?s small and sometimes, it?s gnarly, or frightening.

Needless to say, over 30 years of coaching, I?ve learned a great deal about how to help people solve problems. I want to share with you some of the skills that will help you address the tough situations in your life with greater ease and efficiency.

Because if there?s one thing that differentiates happy people from unhappy people, it?s how they address the hard parts of life.

Here are the best tips I know to handle problems like a pro.

? To be blunt, the only people that don?t have problems are dead people. So, accept your problems and trust that they beat the alternative.

? Get bigger than your problem. People who are living a great life aren?t as affected by their problems as people who aren?t living a great life. It?s like this: If you only have one cookie and mud gets splattered on it, it?s going to feel way more significant than if you have a whole box of cookies. Most people find that the moment they begin to live juicy lives, their problems seem to diminish in size and ferocity.

? Plan for problems. I have found this a HUGE help in my own life. I used to live as if everything would go smoothly, now I give lots of room for snags and actually look for problematic areas in advance so I?m not so put out when they appear.

? Trust that solving a problem will evolve you. We often have to grow or change our attitudes to deal with a problem and that?s a good thing. I had a great teacher in Switzerland say to me, "What just about breaks you, makes you." It?s so true.

? Ask for help. There is always someone else who knows the answer to what?s problematic for us. Involve them. It will move you through the problem SO much faster.

? Start by chipping away at the problem: write down 5 small baby steps you can do to start taking the problem on. (You?ll be surprised how effective this is.)

? Know that everyone has problems, and many, many people in the world have exactly the same problem as you. This will help you feel less hard done by and less alone.

? Containerize the problem. Yesterday I woke up feeling a little down about an issue in my life. Then I realized that even though I don?t have this situation handled in the way I might like, I can still have a great day and still believe I?m a wonderful person. This thought gave me an immediate feeling of lightness. Yes, I still had the problem, but it wasn?t leaking into other areas of my life.

? Write down 5 crazy, outside the box solutions. It?s amazing how creative thinking can sometimes give us fresh ideas.

? Journal 5 ways your ?Best Self? might benefit from this problem. A communication problem with a child could give you greater empathy skills, a financial issue might make you more clear on monetary goals, a health problem could make you more committed to your physical wellbeing. Life is continually trying to evolve us. Don?t argue?grow!

I hope these suggestions were helpful. Please contact me if you?d like a complimentary idea session on how you can handle your own problems better and live YOUR BEST LIFE.

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Who's the Boss? 7 Ways to Take Control of Your Mind By Linda Hampton

At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and time management have nothing to do with one another. But many of us who are natural born clutters develop negative thinking patterns because we become exasperated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative attitude then makes it more difficult to control our feelings and move forward.

Practicing positive thinking allows you to focus on your accomplishments, which increases happiness and improves motivation. This, allows you to spend more time getting things done, and less time feeling stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns:

1. Take Good Care of Yourself

It's much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest. Commit to doing something good every day. Start with a single effort, maybe it's eating just one healthy meal if you keep that up then it will be 2 healthy meals until you choose to eat healthy all the time. Sometime failure comes from trying to make a 360 degree change in one day.

2. Be Unceasingly Grateful

Daily Stressors won't seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself about the things that are right in life. Take just one minutes every day to stop and appreciate the good things will makes an enormous difference.

3. Avoid Absolutes

Have you ever caught yourself saying (or thinking) to family or friends "You're ALWAYS late!" or criticized a good friend by saying "You NEVER call me?" Thinking and speaking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.

4. Disconnect From Negative Thoughts

Unfortunately, most of us have had the wrong kind of programing most of our life. Year after year, word by word, our life scripts were etched. We begin to believe what we've been told by others and most of it negative. Now here's the good news your thoughts can't hold any influence over you if you don't judge them as true. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, disconnect from it. Don't argue with it don't judge it as bad just notice and let it go.

5. Practice You've Got That Lovin feeling - Give a Hug

You don't have to be a genius to know the value of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant stress buster. Giving a hug serves to benefits, first you get instant stress relief, second you make somebody else feel mighty good.!

6. Get Out and Get social

By increasing social activity, you reduce loneliness, and keep your mind on things other than yourself and your challenges. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!

7. Volunteer Give a Hand To Get a Hand

Everyone feels good after helping somebody else. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.

We all want to be more productive. But that can be pretty tuff when you don't control how you spend your time. One of the biggest time wasters is the inactivity that occurs when you feel stressed and ruminate on all the negative things that may come into your day. Positive thinking is more than just a good thing to do, it's emotionally healthy and can make you financially wealthy.

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What makes Star Stable the best horse game?

There are uncountable MMORPGs or massively multiplayer online role-playing games that interest kids and adults alike. Most of these appeal to them because they offer some sort of adventure that keeps players on moving from one phase to another. MMORPGs are kind of thematic in the sense that each focuses on a particular type of quest. It could be about a fight to save someone or something, an adventure towards reaching a specific goal, or even a battle to defeat the evil. Among the most popular online games today, I particularly like one horse game which is not just for kids, but actually for everyone who is fond of equestrians.

The online horse game on is considered one of the best, if not the best, primarily because of its perfect story which excites its players. The plot basically centers on the efforts of the characters to protect the equines from greedy corporate gods who aim to destroy their stables. As the adventure goes on, players face more difficult challenges at each level. Not only that, every stage of the game gives them an opportunity to explore the areas of the field and socialize with others in this common world of horses.

The game starts with the player constructing his/ her own character or avatar. This period is certainly thrilling since each player would have the chance to design and personalize his/ her own appearance. The best thing about Star Stable is that the characters, players, and even the horses are created in such a way that they carry some cartoon effects but at the same time, somehow real. It is actually quite hard to categorize if the horses are cartoonish or real but since their movements are amazingly graceful, the combination of animation and realism fits the horse game perfectly; and in fact, invites many players to explore the world of Star Stable even more.

After doing the avatar, the players may start enjoying Star Stable. As mentioned earlier, at every level, a specific goal must be achieved. There are also other things that can be done while at the level—discovering the field; enjoying some horseback riding; and others. They can also collect coins every so often which may be used to buy decors, horse feeds, and other materials for the avatar. For those playing the paid version, collecting coins is easier as there are regular weekly supplies provided.

It might be an understatement to say that the graphics of Star Stable are good because its color combination, brightness, and vividness are more than just appropriate and appealing to the eyes—they are astonishingly great that they match the mood and atmosphere of the game. They surpass every shade of color MMORPG players can imagine.

Upon looking at this horse game, many people hastily think that it is just for kids, but they are actually not. It is not surprising that even adults who are big fans of horses and horseback riding truly enjoy playing Star Stable. It also opens them an opportunity to interact with other individuals who share the same interest through the game’s chat feature.

So, at the end of the day, what really makes Star Stable the best horse game online? Well, the fact that it pleases players of all ages through its great storyline partnered with well-thought of and excellently executed graphics is one big reason more and more players are drawn into it. In addition, the chat box allowing the players to share their stories and concerns with one another also makes the total gaming experience more fun.
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Moments of Deepness - Do Things Happen by Chance? By Ruti Yudovich

"People do not meet by chance??they navigate their lives to meet certain people for a specific purpose."

Has it ever happened to you that you meet a total "stranger" but you felt you knew that person your whole life? Well? guess what? You most likely knew that person before. You were either soul-mates or you may have unfinished business from before that you now have to finish or you were just friends or? (Fill in the blank).

Sometimes we wonder about people we meet. There are times we?re very grateful for meeting them??there are times we curse the day we were in the same time and the same place with the person. Sometimes we sincerely regret ever meeting certain people.

Whether we want to accept it or not, we have something to do with it. It maybe hard to swallow that pill, and how can we possibly agree that we created the association with someone who was mean to us? You may ask: how is it possible that I have navigated my life to meet that person?

Well? let?s look at this. First, just by assuming the point of view that it is we: you and me, who have something to do with it, make us feel more in the driver?s seat than simply being a victim. Second, by adopting this point of view, we can look at the relationships we have or had and see how they benefited us. When we blame another, it is like seeing things through dirty glasses??not seeing the whole picture.

When we ask ourselves what the purpose was that made us navigate toward a certain person, we can find some lessons that will help us grow and eventually become happier and wiser beings? if we learn the lesson that is.

All you have to do is look at the people you meet or you knew and find at least one good purpose for meeting that person. You?ll be surprise at how long a list you will have. Every person we meet has something to teach us.

We are very fortunate to have the most valuable asset of all ?? the power of choice. The beauty is that no matter who is in our lives, no matter the lesson we learn from the people we met??at the end, it is our choice whether we want to keep that person in our lives or not.

But the most important message I want to relay to you today is to keep around you those people that lift you up and ignore or cease to associate with those that continue to put you down and make you feel little and unimportant. Remember, the power of choice is your best asset. Use it!

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Tips to Help You Become An Entrepreneur By Shantanu Das

Everyone dreams. But only the truly exceptional possess the dedication and creativity to turns those dreams into a reality. Such truly exceptional people are known as entrepreneurs. These people introduce a radical new idea into the pool of over-used and copy pasted notions. Entrepreneurs are the architects of the constantly changing and improving society.

What makes an entrepreneur?

This is a question everyone has thought of when watching the success of well known entrepreneurs like DhirubaiAmbani, Bill gates, Narayan murthy etc. Passion, creativity, imagination, innovation and an unrelenting drive to succeed are the qualities that set an entrepreneur aside from the rest of the crowd. Out of the box thinking and a sense of showmanship goes a long way in today?s competitive market.

Budding entrepreneurs must possess the tenacity to succeed no matter what the harsh world might throw at them. A strong sense of self respect, confidence and good principles cultivated from an early age is a very important factor that influences the thought process of any entrepreneur. The tendency to conform to society?s norms is automatic. Any person wishing to climb the ladder of success as an entrepreneur has to break free of this tendency and have the ability to look at things from different perspective. One of the most important aspects of an entrepreneur?s success is the idea. This little four letter word is the cornerstone and the motivation for any venture. In order for any venture to reach its full potential, you must believe in the idea 100%. Any job half done is a waste of both time and effort. Plan well and assemble a trusted team to help you. More minds thinking on the same idea helps hone it to a perfect shape.

Risk Taking is Important Too

But one cannot ignore the very high risk factor. The chances of failure are ever present. Think with a practical mind. Take into consideration all the factors of your life that may be affected by what you choose to pursue and whether you can afford the risk. Your wallet is most likely the spot most affected. Be sure to think before you invest.

Any entrepreneur who is revered in his field can tell you: There is no formula for success. Success is three parts hard work and one part chance. A life as an entrepreneur is alluring and exciting. A true entrepreneur has the all-consuming desire to see their dreams turn to reality and is bold enough to push the limits of human potential could bring about unprecedented changes in the society. That person could be you!

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How Meditation Has Changed My Life By Karen Hood-caddy

Every week day for the past 2 years, I?ve done a daily practice with others virtually. Here?s how it works. I call the others on the phone, then one of us rings a bell to start and then again at the end, after 30 minutes. When we?re done, we each wish each other a wonderful day and go about our business.

During the 30 minutes, we each do our own practice. Sometimes I do all mindfulness meditation, sometimes I add in some meridian tapping and at times I?ve done some energy work on myself during the half hour. I always state my intention for who I want to be as the day unfolds.

Having this daily practice has probably been the most significant factor in helping me be my best. I never would have stuck with it so consistently if others hadn?t been involved. Just knowing others were waiting for my call each day made all the difference. We?ve been going for 2 years now and I can really see how it?s changed me.

Here?s what I notice:

*Instead of helping me ?get away from it all?, my practice helps me to show up for it all. I?m clearer about who I am, so I?m not so rocked by the world and others. I can let WAY more of life in and just BE with situations that before would have been very stressful or difficult.

*It gives me a daily reminder of a bigger picture of myself and who I am as a spiritual being. Instead of reacting like a pinball machine to things in my life, I actually feel as if I have choices.

*I feel healthier than ever. No colds or flu this year....

* Since I review my intentions every day, I am much more likely to act in congruence with them during the day after this reminder.
Having a daily practice has been very rich and rewarding and I heartily encourage people to design one for themselves and then create the support to make it happen.

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The Sims 4 - Playable Offline

Electronic Arts and Maxis have revealed their newest project - The Sims 4. The game will be released in 2014 for PC and Mac, the exact date is unknown so far.

 One of the most popular game series, The Sims, gets another sequel including new houses, decorations, people, animations, interactions, in short: everything the fans love their Sims for. Do you remember playing The Sims for hours building a house, and just set furniture in is as if it's your own house?

One of the best news is that The Sims 4 can be played completely offline, meaning you don't have to have a permanent internet connection to play, which is great! EA has shocked many fans with SimCity because the players were forced to play it online the whole time due to copyright piracy of the game. But even players who bought the game legally wished to play it offline, maybe on their laptop somewhere without WiFi.

However, the news are great that The Sims at least can be played offline.

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