
How Meditation Has Changed My Life By Karen Hood-caddy

Every week day for the past 2 years, I?ve done a daily practice with others virtually. Here?s how it works. I call the others on the phone, then one of us rings a bell to start and then again at the end, after 30 minutes. When we?re done, we each wish each other a wonderful day and go about our business.

During the 30 minutes, we each do our own practice. Sometimes I do all mindfulness meditation, sometimes I add in some meridian tapping and at times I?ve done some energy work on myself during the half hour. I always state my intention for who I want to be as the day unfolds.

Having this daily practice has probably been the most significant factor in helping me be my best. I never would have stuck with it so consistently if others hadn?t been involved. Just knowing others were waiting for my call each day made all the difference. We?ve been going for 2 years now and I can really see how it?s changed me.

Here?s what I notice:

*Instead of helping me ?get away from it all?, my practice helps me to show up for it all. I?m clearer about who I am, so I?m not so rocked by the world and others. I can let WAY more of life in and just BE with situations that before would have been very stressful or difficult.

*It gives me a daily reminder of a bigger picture of myself and who I am as a spiritual being. Instead of reacting like a pinball machine to things in my life, I actually feel as if I have choices.

*I feel healthier than ever. No colds or flu this year....

* Since I review my intentions every day, I am much more likely to act in congruence with them during the day after this reminder.
Having a daily practice has been very rich and rewarding and I heartily encourage people to design one for themselves and then create the support to make it happen.

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