
Gamescom 2012 - Bigger Than Ever

The Gamesocm 2012 will be bigger than ever with more than 167,000 square yard. That's 16% more than last year, so overcrowding shall be prevented. Three months ago, in August, the Gamescom 2011 cut a new record with 275,000 visitors within five days. Due to this big number of people it's a good decision to enlarge the event.

Gamescom 2011 - Before and After the opening

Looking back on the Gamescom 2011
I was there as a journalist so I could enter the event before opening to take pictures like the one above. To play Modern Warfare 3 for example, you had to wait almost 4 hours but Battlefield 3 was the worst with over 6 hours to wait - just to play it for 20 minutes. If you are interested, here is my Gamescom 2011 Battlefield 3 Review.

What is the Gamescom?
The Gamescom is the world's biggest trade fair for video games with 275,000 visitors. It's held on Cologne, Germany.

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