
[Guide] Skyrim - Level-Up All Skills Fast

After the How to become a Werewolf in Skyrim guide, this guide shows you a bug so you can level-up the skills onehanded, twohanded, archery, destruction, sneak, restoration, and speech very fast.

How to level-up your skills very fast using this guide:
1.   Go to Riverwood and enter Alvor and Sigrid's House.
The bug only works if ONLY you and Hadvar are in there, so keep your eyes open.
2.   Now change to sneak mode and draw the weapon you want to skill, for example your two-handed axe or one-handed sword. 
3.   Attack Hadvar. He's immortal and won't react to any attacks and even thecity guards won't notice you leveling your skills using these exploit or bug. Enjoy!

How to level-up your speech skill:
1. Go to Riften and look for the Dark Elf named Ungrien. You'll find him at the bunkhouse late at night.
2. Talk to him and choose the "Tell me about Maven Black-Briar" option. Thereafter you pick the persuade option.
3. After a successful persuasion, the option doesn't disappear and you can keep choosing it. You will level-up with these options. Enjoy your maximum speech skill!

Source: /

EDIT: As an anonymous user added to my post:
Been doing this in the first room inside Helgen Keep, just take a sword off the wall instead of from the chest. Sneak and hit until both are at level 100. You can do it with Destruction too, it just takes a really long time since magicka has to recharge. So I would imagine you could use Destruction inside the safehouse at Riverwood as well.
EDIT 2: Another (or the same) anonymous user wanted to add this to my guide:
After you finish the dark brotherhood questline, you can upgrade the sanctuary with a torture chamber. Inside there will be four tourture victims. Set diff to master, and start smashing or hitting them with spells. When they are abort to die, use "Heal Other" or something simmilar om them. They have a lot of hp, so you can hit them forever if you use an iron weapon. 
EDIT 3: Two other anonymous poster have commented to my post and I quote them:
When in dawnstar and you have the torture chamber kill 1 of them and keep using soul trap on the guy you just killed. And after awhile (i done it in a hour 10 mins) your conjuration will soon be 100. 

Once you have the horse Shadowmere from the Dark Brotherhood quest line, then just similar to the torture chamber, just set diff to max and power all your attacks at the horse. Then either use the heal spell or wait for recharge as its a fast regen.

 EDIT 4: Another update on my post. Thanks for the anonymous poster.
If you go into smithing and you continue to build iron daggers (which the blacksmith will always sell the stuff needed). It will continue to level you up rather quick, starting with thee daggers per level up reaching up to 10 daggers per level up, I did this for about 4 hours and I can now build all types of armor and it is incredible!

Thanks for this info to all five who improved my blog post!

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