
[Review] Minecraft for Windows Phone 7

The famous Minecraft was modified for Windows Phone 7. It's not the original game because it was develpoed by Candy Rufus Games but the gameplay is the same.

This app for Windows Phone 7 is called Survivalcraft and, as said before, it was developed by Kaalus from Candy Rufus Games. Survivalcraft is based on Minecraft regarding its graphics and gameplay though Survivalcraft is only in alpha status.

For everyone undecided, there is a test version of Survivalcraft in the marketplace so people can play the full game for a limited period only. Thereafter, if you're interested in the game, the price was set to 1,99 Euro. As a comparison, Minecraft for PC costs 19,95 Euro.

My Review of Survivalcraft:
I've downloaded the game for my Windows Phone and played couple of hours. First thing so say is that Survivalcraft can compete with Minecraft if you consider it as alpha version of a newly developed game.
The main gameplay is the same, you can mine blocks like stone, soil, or wood to build a shelter for the night for example. Crafting is also included in the game although not every recipe of the full released Minecraft was taken to Survivalcraft - unfortunately. The maps are beautiful as in the original and you even get the same addiction as playing the original Minecraft because you can build whatever you want. This principle made Minecraft famous and is for Survivalcraft a guarantee of success, too.
However, the game is still in alhpa version as said before but updates are coming. Some new tools and blocks are added and other features like a screenshot function is a nice addition for the game.
All in all, I'd say that Survivalcraft has potential. The developer managed to get me addicted to the game because I'm a huge Minecraft fan as well and there is no competition for a Windows Phone 7.

For everyone with an iPhone: The original Minecraft app costs around 6 Euro and can be downloaded in the AppStore.


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