
Minecraft - For iPhone and Android

Today, the official Minecon has opened its doors to celebrate the release of Minecraft. For anyone who doesn't know about Minecraft's very own fair, visit this MineCon site.

Mojang has released the official Minecraft version for iOS today, too, meaning iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The game can be downloaded in the AppStore for 5,49 €, but beware: This version is not like with the PC version because there is a huge lack of features.

You can't really mine any blocks and can't build any objects. The whole survival mode including all monsters like spider or skeletons is missing, so this iOS and Android version is comparable to the first Alpha version of the original PC version of Minecraft. If this doesn't scare you, you should buy Minecraft via AppStore. For everyone else, just get the PC version for 20 €.


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