
The Best Anger Management Technique

Anger can be a destructive emotion if not dealt with correctly. Studies show that people who had a lot of hidden rage experience frequent headaches, high blood pressure, difficulty sleeping, and poor digestion. In fact, research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that there's a strong link between hostility and heart disease.

Anger also puts a great strain on our sympathic nervous system. During anger the body is flooded with adrenalin which makes us feel pumped up and eager to act. People who are "addicted" to this adrenalin rush may sometimes rely on the sense of anger or pressure to perform well. This type of stress weakens the immune system. As a result the body's production of natural killer cells (which attack cancer cells) goes down.

Headaches, heart disease, cancer-this is what anger can do to your body. So it is to your advantage to find a way to deal with your in a way that is healthy and productive.

As a researcher and healer I have found energy healing is the fastest way to reduce anger quickly, easily, and safely. What is energy healing? Energy healing is a way of sending healing energy into the body that restores the body to it's healthy normal state, emotionally, as well as physically. Energy healing is found in almost every culture throughout the world. There are several names for this type of energy among them bio-energy, life-force energy, chi/qi energy, prana, zero point, and quantum energy.

I train my clients in two different anger management healing techniques that work much faster than any of the typical ones. These techniques are related to acupuncture (no needles though) and a technique that uses quantum energy to change your emotional state fast.

I also specialize in remote or distance healing. This type of energy healing allows me to send the energy right over the phone or by Skype, text message and even email. This makes it much more convenient for my clients who need relief right away. There is no driving to appointments or sitting in waiting rooms. I find it even more effective than hands on healing.

How does a remote healing session for anger management work. You contact me through my site and book a one hour session. I call you and get some history on your anger and related issues. I ask you to rate your anger level from 1-10, 10 being the highest anger level.

I then ask you to close your eyes and just focus on the issues that are triggering your anger. I begin sending healing energy into your body for about ten minutes. After the ten minutes I ask you to rate your anger level again from 1-10. Most of my clients can sense a reduction in their anger level within the first ten minutes. We repeat this process several times within the hour session until your anger/stress level is zero. I also show you and easy to learn healing technique that reduces your stress level as soon as you initiate it.

If you are struggling with anger issues and just can't seem to get rid of them feel free to give me a call and we will get you feeling peaceful again.

Health Blessings

Steve Levine

Steve Levine Photo I'm Steve Levine. Do you suffer from chronic pain or emotional pain, and want to try energy healing? Experience for yourself the relief many others have experienced by exploring the use of healing energy. You don't even have to go to an office or travel to find a practitioner. It can be done in the comfort and privacy of your home by phone or over Skype on your computer. Click here now to discover the power of remote healing.

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