
I Have Too Many Problems (Matt Burges)

Going through each day facing one problem after the other can become very stressful or just flat out annoying. Where is the peace in this life? Some problems may be worse than others and it can be hard to find any escape besides hitting the wine or the bottle. Maybe you lost someone close, your heart has been broken, you just lost your house or what ever the case may be. It all really depends on the severity of your situation and the fight you are facing in your own life. With the worse being said, sometimes letting loose and getting drunk is all you can do for the time being.

It is important to remember that there is always a light and you are not alone in facing your battle. There are millions of people out there right now trying to find some peace just like you fighting the same battle of life. It is up to you to dig deep, be strong and push as hard as you can for hope of a better day. Nothing will come at a snap of a finger but there are many things that you can do or partake in that will give you some peace of mind or simply get your mind off your struggle. Taking on too much at a time will only bring a sense of defeat. By taking it one step at a time and setting a side those over run feelings of doubt or pain may be the only option you have. So what do you do?

Get rid of that clutter ball of problems that is over whelming your brain. Worry, worry, worry, where is it getting you? Absolutely no where. One person can only handle to much. Money problems, feeling insecure about your body, worrying about you children's future, worrying about what others think of you, worrying about getting laid off, the list can go on and on. Please realize that most of us tend to worry about things that have not even happened yet. We are pretty much taking on an imaginary battle which is only draining us. What do you do when you feel drained? You sleep it of, watch TV, drink, gamble, get high, all these things just become a common routine and you wake up and do it all over again. You wake up with the same ball of problems and the same feeling of defeat. Let things roll and let life come to you. Stop fast forwarding to the consequences or pre conceived scenarios of your problems.

Take it one day at a time and do what you can. What is your biggest problem or what is the most important thing in your life you need to change? Work on that one first and take it step by step. I know it is easier written than done but, really you need some peace. Find a hobby, exercise, spend more time with your kids, help others, give, encourage, and be optimistic. Don't feel guilty no one is perfect and the saying, "it is never too late" is always true. The whole point of this little article is to remind you that you may be running around the same circle over and over again. You need to find a good healthy way to relax. Life is too short to run around in circles worrying all the time. Except the consequences of your mistakes and fight the main problem in your life. Again, one step at a time. If you can solve your main problem first, you will only feel more encouraged and motivated to take on the next. find a strategy for your fight and be patient. Lets not take on too much and relax. Carring all that weight on your shoulders will only lead to doubt and depression . Don't fast forward to the consequences of your struggles. Take it one day at a time. If you liked reading this? Check out my blog,

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